Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur

Jin Gitaxias Core Augur New Phyrexia Singles
4.69 $4.69
Near Mint
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- 4 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeLegendary Creature
Card TextFlash At the beginning of your end step, draw seven cards. Each opponent's maximum hand size is reduced by seven.
Creature TypePhyrexian, Praetor
SetNew Phyrexia
ArtistEric Deschamps
Flavor Text"It is not a goal, but a process—the process of creating the perfect Phyrexia."
DescriptionNew Phyrexia Single Card
Release Date05/13/2011
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- April 14, 2012
-- thomas payne
use this beast in a deck that's mostly counter cards and you've got a pretty good chance of drawing a counter card for that one card the opponent gets to use on his turn it's just harsh, jaces erasure works well too but work fast after you get him or you'll deck yourself pretty fast
- October 13, 2011
-- JB
WHAT! All opponents get 1 card a turn for eternity? and i NET 8 cards per turn? Keep 'em coming WotC.... Daddy likes this grand ol' beasty!!
- June 25, 2011
-- Sasuke
Use this with Painful Quandry, Dash of Hopes, and Mindslaver. Awesome Combo
- June 16, 2011
-- Sergio Mendez
This guy downright rules in reanimator. It's a discard outlet as well as wreaking havoc to your opponents hand. He may not be as strong as the other praetors but he certainly kicks major butt still.
4.69 $4.69
Near Mint
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