Traumatize Odyssey Singles
2.59 $2.59
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- 55 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Rare
Color Blue
Casting Cost
Card Type Sorcery
Card Text Target player mills half their library, rounded down.
Set Odyssey
Artist Greg Staples
Flavor Text Dreads had half a mind to leave.
Description Odyssey Single Card
Release Date 10/01/2001
Dimensions 0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- June 29, 2011
-- Mike Lesyna
Good card, Didn't read through all the comments, but from what i saw no one mentioned this combo. Traumatize then Keening stone Game over right there.
- March 18, 2011
-- Xarr
HA! This card cracks me up! The comments for the card crack me up even more! This card is AWESOME. It is not over is not's just a really good card. For three colorless mana (Grindstone + Painter's Servant) I can mill your entire library. 5 mana for half their library doesn't seem that bad when you think about it that way.
- December 07, 2009
-- Anonymous
this is a very powerful card but there are worse cards out there. Play Iona, Sheild of Emeria and games done. Cant cancel if you cant cast spells
- November 04, 2009
-- Anonymous
The combo I thought of is to play traumatize and then twincast to take out three quarters of their deck. Then Ravenous Trap if your lucky to exile it, and keep some cancels in your hand in case they cancel traumatize.
- September 30, 2009
-- Anonymous
I love to use this card on myself with my artifact deck. Then play open the vults. so fun
- September 23, 2009
I love this card...when i first started playing magic years ago i hated blue,now its my favorite color. For everyone saying this card should be banned im guessing uve been on the crap end of the stick with this one. Also if anyone is around Scranton,PA write me i need some more players.
- September 15, 2009
-- Matthew Ruehle
I want to give this one a 1 star, because it's so awesome. I get beaten by it/ haunting echoes frequently at FNM - what was Wizards thinking, releasing a card this awesome at the same time as Haunting Echoes, Forced Fruition, and Nemesis of Reason?!?!?!
- August 12, 2009
-- Keith Roth
Hope you have a feldons cane in hand cause this is about to get ugly.
- July 17, 2009
-- kith
....this is one of the most amazing card that is noted because of its annoying effect , that is why i put two of this on my white wheenie deck....
- April 20, 2009
-- Seve
Good news is... You round down!
- October 02, 2008
-- Zane
If your going cheap then just use it with Replenish duh!
- June 10, 2008
Great card if used in sequence with the planeswalker Jace Beleren. Can mill your oppenent in only turns. Very powerful to the point where it should be banned.
- March 08, 2008
-- Daniel
This card is simply amazing: come on!, the mana cost is really cheap for the ability !
That´s a card!
- November 26, 2006
-- Toledo
Utilizarla conjuntamente con vislumbrar lo impensable, y....Fiesta de biblioteca chicos!!!!!
- June 20, 2006
-- Charles Burns
This is the card that orignally began the massive build up of millstone decks, making the millstone deck ten times faster and deadlier. Much better than other attempts and even better since it was reprinted in 9th edition. Just don't play it in more multiples than two or so, because you will end up giving yourself dead draws after awhile when you need those glimpses.
- May 02, 2006
-- Nick Shamas
You all keep saying Fork, but you're forgetting - Traumatize is blue so why not use Twincast.. and it's pretty rare that you see people playing Traumatize anyway, around here at least- 'cause no one has them, I myself only have 5 .. I do play a Mill deck, but it's Type2, so I can't add any Echoes or any aforementioned cards, which are rad, and it's sad.. but I don't think Traumatize is all that powerful-- put a Mill deck up against most Aggro decks .. but still i've beaten them.. Also, personally I think using Millstones in a Mill deck is kind of a cliche .. try spliced Dampen Thoughts and Howling Mines- Mines being for card drawing for you, sure advantage for them but who cares when they aren't gonna draw but from half or less of their library..
- April 14, 2006
-- tj
amazing card. i use traumatize with mirari, scalplexis and szadek. kills an opponents deck very quickly
- April 23, 2005
-- mark allen
This is a great card...all you need is a traumatize and a mortal combat and you win...there ya go
- February 08, 2005
-- Draxsath
use this with planar void to remove half thier deck from the game. greatest thing.... planar void is only 1 black to cast.

also good with guiltfeeder
- October 11, 2004
-- Anonymous
oh my god
- February 22, 2004
-- Joe Mama Loves Me
I think you guys got the right idea with Haunting Echoes to follow this but here's a sweet thought if u play DARKSTEEL then get two PANOPTIC MIRRORS and use both of them with these cards so u can continually do this effect over and over and etc etc
- December 08, 2003
-- Anonymous
I have this card and it's awsome. I love using it against my friends when they think they've beaten me!
- November 05, 2003
-- mic
the best combination is traumatize +megrim +some counterspells on your hand
- January 12, 2003
-- Anonymous
DUH with tormods crpyt they wont have threshold or a graveyard all they will have is 1/2 there deck gone from the game
- November 28, 2002
-- chicken man
tramitize is one of the best cards ever you can use it to help deck your opponent or use it on your deck if your using a replenish deck.
- October 11, 2002
-- Sean
Great card, but a little unfair to everyone. It probably already is banned in all formats, I would say.
- July 04, 2002
-- Pao Thao
Traumatize and Haunting echoes are the two strongest decking cards ever. If u ever have the two cards in one hand, what lucks. Don't forget about scalepelexis. 4 cards every turn and possibly even more. The best cards to fasten the process is dark ritual and/or fastbond. Watch out for solitary confinement and/or ivory mask.:)
- May 11, 2002
-- Alex gottlieb
hey.... I there is a really good strategy w/ this card. Use it or yourself and then use either:
1. yagamoth's agenda and ivory tower (for lots of life)
2. twilights call (for lots of creatures)
- May 08, 2002
-- agntgrn
What can I say? Traumatize is named correctly to start with. Is only kept fair by it's mana cost...although you can ignore that in type one...although feldon's cane can make it a bit pointless...try doing this to yourself to feed a hungry psychatog...or w/ threshold cards...very rare in these parts and is worth every penny
- March 18, 2002
-- Jonah
Of coure, at bare minimu it knocks out 1/2 of your opponents resources, completely decimating some decks by itself. Combine with Haunting echoes for fun and a quick win, crushing almost all tournament worthy decks; since i's blue you'll have counterspells to back it up big. Teaming with black adds in undermine for an evil combination and don't forget about Mirari or Fork to use i on someones deck twice, or even using it in conjunction with your own deck allowing for Yawgmoth's Agenda or achieving threshhold. Bearscape also provides good usage for this evil card. Since it's not banned as of it it's too good to be true.
- March 16, 2002
-- magic_berkley
this card kicks butt!!! combine it with haunting echoes and you're sure to win.
- December 28, 2001
-- Anonymous
Great Card for using a Blue/Black Deck.
Great Combo for this card is Haunting Echoes also from this Card set with the Mirari and Millstone.

Base Deck
4 Thrans
2 Mirari
4 Haunting Echoes
4 Traumatize

Game Over
- December 23, 2001
-- Anonymous
easily crushes any deck short of fires and with haunting echoes will make your opponent howl in pain and anguish. and by the way JC why didnt you think of these combos:
traumatize and mirari
traumatize and fork (type 1)
traumatize and tormods crypt (type 1.5)
- August 10, 2009
-- Chris
Discard is defined in the magic rule book as "placed from the HAND into the graveyard" not from library, battlefield, or any other place. So if you can make them draw a ton then discard, get megrim, otherwise, shut up about it.
- January 31, 2009
-- Matthew Kohl
Amazing when coupled with a Guiltfeeder in a Blue/Black control deck.
- June 19, 2006
-- Logan
This card is really annoying to have done to you. Or is it? Run Traumatize in a blue/black deck with Mortal Combat, for two black and two generic: "At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have twenty or more creature cards in your graveyard, you win the game." Run creature heavy, in fact no other sorceries, instants, or enchantments(one possible exception, Counterspell, in case someone tries to destroy Mortal Combat) then get a Mortal Combat and Traumatize yourself.
- October 30, 2005
-- ThoFu
Great Card for vintage games! just play with fork, glimpse the unthinkable and tormod's crypt and massive counter and counter-counter (pyroblast, red E blast). but be carefull: you have to buy some blowrags too , 'cos your opponent won´t stop whining.
- December 25, 2001
-- dagadus
Amazing card.....alittle powerful though. use in combination w/ haunting echos
- September 11, 2009
-- Me
First of all, this card should not be banned (spelled b-a-n-n-e-d). Second, if this connects turn five (even turn 3), which is unlikely considering counterspells are already online (read Cryptic Command), and you hardly get to say GG. The in general mills for about 24 cards if you have milled before that, leaving you opponent with 24 left. Against Control it will probably be countered and against agro you have that nasty requirement of staying alive. If you can cast 2x Mind funeral turn six you might be able to call GG, but that is unlikely.
- August 19, 2009
-- antoni
These comments show how little people really know... Yes, this card is pretty good, but its mill. Mill doesn't work unless you build a deck around it. Even then it's not a great deck because of it's high mana costs ( it's extremely slow, look at this for example, 5cc, most decks will eat you by then ). It's good but nowhere near overpowered. Tell me how many amazingly good decks actually run this. Mill and discard, very low powered but easily and almost always overexaggerated. I agree its good, but it's just good enough at it's price. Banned list would be looking at 3cc, not 5. If this is overpowered, please look at other cards. Tarmagoyf is legal, and that is much, much better. Hence the $50 price tag.
- July 02, 2009
-- Jim
OK, people need to stop telling others to pair this card with Megrim. The cards go directly from library to graveyard. This is not the same as discarding, so Megrim is completely pointless.
- February 26, 2006
-- Stompinstine
FYI there is a little card called ivroy mask that handles this spell and any other target player card in the game. this card is powerful but does not in any means say gg. I don't belive that it needs to be band.
- October 29, 2002
-- Shawn Doinoff
Its an excelent card...... but with that it'll rush them up to threshhold
- November 21, 2001
-- JC
I thought that when DCI began the restricted/band list that it was to control such outrageous cards such as this one. Why would Wizards want to produce a card that is so powerful and limits the game so much? Countspells are your only sure thing to keep this card in check thus limiting your game. I would suggest this card be placed on the restricted/band list. However, if you must play this card I suggest using it with the following combos:
(Scrivener, Wizard Mentor, Witch Hunter, and Boomerang). Play Traumatize over and over and over again. Add Millstone and you can finish your opponent off in no time. Remember lots of land (30%), counterspells, and my favorite peace talks or festival.
- May 29, 2009
-- Greg
I don't know why you would give this card such a high rating. On turn 5 I prefer to go with either a Nemesis of Reason or a Sanity Grinding/Twincast. 5 mana is a lot. I'd probably even prefer Tidings over this card, even in a milling deck.
- August 08, 2002
-- Anonymous
I must agree it should be put on the band list. a combo my friend hit me with was traumatize and guilt feeder. killed me in one shot since I had wasn't playing black but wished I had my mongrels out
- February 15, 2011
-- The Wretched
My eight year old daughter is rolling her eyes at this card. Hard. If you use this I will punch you in the ear. Twice.
- January 23, 2011
-- Anonymous
i have like 10 of these cards i have been playing magic since beta and by far this card is prob the biggest dumbhead card wizards inc could ever come up with if u use this card to win shows no skill at all. my black/white deck would put this card out of its misery anyways
- October 01, 2009
-- Anonymous
overpowered. thank god no1 ever plays this outside 1/1.5 and casual.
- July 03, 2009
-- Anonymous
LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way too powerful and takes the fun out of Magic. Should be banned from all tournaments.
- December 04, 2008
-- Anonymous
Makes Millstone decks win too easily.
- April 02, 2008
-- Geckle
Do not discard anything, you just mill half the library. Personally, cards like this just take the fun out of the game. If you can work up a really neat combo that can take out 25+ cards, that is good for you, but with this all you have to do is pay 5.
- December 09, 2002
-- Anonymous
Stupidly powerful. Leave it alone, and keep the game fun.
- October 26, 2002
-- Anonymous
This card stinks.Say your opponent has Ancestral Trbute or Mortal Combat.
- November 09, 2001
-- Anonymous
Should be put on the band list!!!!!
2.59 $2.59
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