
Groundbreaker Planar Chaos Singles
1.39 $1.39
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- 9 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Elemental
Card TextTrample, haste At the beginning of the end step, sacrifice Groundbreaker.
Creature TypeElemental
SetPlanar Chaos
ArtistMatt Cavotta
Flavor TextThe earth's memory is long, its retribution brief.
DescriptionPlanar Chaos Single Card
Release Date02/02/2007
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- April 19, 2008
-- Greg
Wow I seriously can't wait to play 4 of this card. It's going straight into my r/g elemental deck. 4 Groundbreakers, 3 Timbermares, 2 Smokebraiders, 2 or 3 each of Soulstokes and Harbingers, Nova Chasers...You get the point. This card was already amazing without it being an Elemental. Its creature type just pushes it over to the edge. Plus, if you can champion it with something then you can even reuse it which is practically broken...
- February 21, 2008
-- Paul
Being an elemental makes this card even better with the new wave of Lorwyn cards. Definitely one of my favorites from Planar Chaos.
- April 11, 2007
-- Anonymous
how can you not like this. i'm on a mission to put together a ball-breaker deck. ball lightnings and ground breakers. toss in some orcish lumberjacks and a few beserks and you can easily pull a turn 2 kill. t1 R lumberjack. t2 G tap out sac forest for total of 5 mana, ball lightning + beserk + beserk = 24 damage.
- March 13, 2007
-- Anonymous
This is one of the best cards in planar chaos without a doubt. It's especialty good if you play it with gleancrawler so each turn you can just simply replay it and keep swinging for massive amounts of damage each turn.
- March 10, 2007
-- Aaron Wilburn
There shouldn't be any doubt with this card whatsoever. Turn one, forest + Llanowar, Turn two forest, primal formage, turn three, forest + Groundbreaker + krosan grip = 13 damage, 15 if the forcemage swings. Just one idea of how it could play out, but in the end it always plays out good and in mono green it is a powerhouse.
- February 16, 2007
-- Benjamin
What's there to say? It's a green Ball Lightning. That's pretty much all those in the know need to hear. Going over the Planar Chaos card lists I have to say I'm liking where Wizards is going. In most sets, green gets the shaft, but in Planar Chaos, where they're shifting the color pie in all kinds of crazy directions, I think they've finally given green the power boost it's been longing for. Green Glorious Anthems, Concetrates, Thundermares, Ball's about time.
- June 08, 2007
-- Charles Burns
The deck this card needs is a pure agro r/g deck with this thrown in for a massive swing whevever he is truly needed. He combines really good with all of the good bloodthirst creatures (which unforunately there are few of) considering there are going to be few opponents in tourneys playing alot of first or double strike creatures that can stop him. But this little elemental is awful in casual as there are much better ways to deal massive damage. Pure tournament card.
- March 13, 2007
-- David Fanany
This card is very misunderstood. Groundbreaker doesn't need burn backup in mono-green . . . Groundbreaker IS the burn in mono-green. You attack with your early game Mire Boas and Troll Ascetics, and once the opponent taps out for Wrath of God, you attack with Groundbreaker on your next turn.
- March 04, 2007
-- Trevor
This is probably one of the most overhyped cards in the set. Yes this is a green ball lightning, but unlike Red, Green can't support the creature. Red had burn and other tricks to get the kill faster. Red is good with handling temporary creatures, Green is not. Mono Green Aggro decks will never use this card when there are things like Giant Solifuge and Spectral Force in Standard. To its credit the card is good in limited, but I don't see it getting much use in Contstructed.
1.39 $1.39
Near Mint
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