Balefire Liege

Balefire Liege Planechase Singles
1.29 $1.29
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- 5 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost2R/WR/WR/W
Card TypePlane
Card TextOther red creatures you control get +1/+1. Other white creatures you control get +1/+1. Whenever you cast a red spell, Balefire Liege deals 3 damage to target player or planeswalker. Whenever you cast a white spell, you gain 3 life.
Creature TypeSpirit, Horror
ArtistRalph Horsley
DescriptionPlanechase Single Card
Release Date09/04/2009
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- February 21, 2010
-- Jens N
To Arkana: how can the cost throw you off? It's a double Glorious Anthem for red/white decks, it boosts your spells significantly, and it even triples as a creature! Having two of these on the battlefield makes them both 4/6, and even on their own, they're big enough to survive incoming an incoming Lightning Bolt.

No doubt about it: I'm rating this a straigt 5/5 - Balefire's manacost is low enough to make an impact on the game, and its abilities are potent enough to turn the tables the instant it hits the battlefield.
- September 10, 2009
-- Dan
I love this card. A combo of lightning Helix, Izzit Guildmage, and Balefire Liege can produce 12 damage and twelve life for 5 mana. Add in a Gelectrode, and you are looking at very serious damage. I bet this card will sell out, or the price will get really high.
- July 29, 2008
-- Lucas
I recently aquired this card and I must say it works beautifully. This card boosts your other creatures as well as giving you ample capability to deal direct damage and gain life while simultaniously attacking. The only bad thing is that it has a low Power/Defense of 2/4 so it is crutial you have another spell to boost it such as my favorite Angelic Blessing. At the time I hold one in my deck but later down the road I will aquire another one or two it is currently one of my favorite cards I own.
- July 24, 2008
-- JJ
I pulled this card in the prerelease, IT ROCKS!!! I had kitchen finks as well making finks a potential 10 life gain card. It won me most of my games. It pumps up your creatures, yourself and burns your opponents.
- July 25, 2008
-- Arkana
Two lightning helixes for the price of one! Awesome! It's just the cost that throws me off... If it cost four mana, I'd give it a five...
1.29 $1.29
Near Mint
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Sell to Us $0.63 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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