Innocent Blood

Innocent Blood Planechase Singles
0.21 $0.21
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- 5 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSorcery
Card TextEach player sacrifices a creature.
ArtistCarl Critchlow
Flavor TextZombies mourn for the living and celebrate those who will soon be given the gift of death.
DescriptionPlanechase Single Card
Release Date09/04/2009
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
Moderately Played
of 1
- October 02, 2009
-- Jens N
This is simply crazy. Combined with Gravepact, it's even better! Long Live black control!
- January 11, 2009
-- xkore
its 1 swamp. Perfect for my black/artifact spreading plague deck.
- April 22, 2002
-- Ray Hale
He is right, useing this card with Edict, and adding alot of weak creatures (My favorite is Blood Pet) and tossing in some Mortivores is a very nice combo, pay 1 Mana, and sack some pussy creature and the opponent sacks on, walla, +2/+2 for 1 mana
- April 12, 2002
-- Anonymous
What are you, nuts! This is all about environment. Coupled with a load of edicts and scads of burn,you can beat almost any creature deck...period.In the right deck this is great, but you wouldn't put it into stompy or white weenie or any other creature deck. Threshold sucks. If you spend all your time on threshhold you are screwed, you need a good focus on solid creatures and spells not a card that basically says this this card sucks until you get threshold, then it is only decent. forget that, I would rather have a card like this in a deck than threshold cards. Flashback is THE only reason to discard cards, but why do that when playing them twice standardly is so much easier. think about it.
- December 06, 2001
-- Geert Antonis
This one is really funny if you have no creature. Else it helps you get treshold but your enemies will too.
0.21 $0.21
Moderately Played
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $0.06 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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