Ancestral Recall (Unlimited) - Near Mint

Ancestral Recall Unlimited Near Mint Power Nine
2799.99 $2,799.99
English Near Mint
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- 8 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeInstant
Card TextTarget player draws three cards.
SetUnlimited Edition
ArtistMark Poole
Flavor Text
DescriptionUnlimited Single Card
Release Date1993-12-01
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- March 12, 2012
-- LittlePanda
The mighty Holy Grail of Magic the Gathering
- January 31, 2011
-- Animefiend7
Fantastic Magic Card. Its true, there are other cards in other sets that do this effect for MORE mana, but the point to Magic is to win, regardless whether or not your having fun doing so. And if you can win quicker, then your obviously going to have the upper hand. so, say you decide to go with something like, idk, Blue Sun's Zenith; Instant Speed, XUUU draw spell. Well, you would have had to wait til turn 4 for this to be any good-ish. OR. you could go, turn 1 Ancestral Recall. By doing this, your already 3 cards ahead of your opponent (2 if your on the play). The advantage to this is that, regardless of what you had drawn, you now have ~50 cards in your deck as opposed to their ~53 cards (in a 60 card deck). This can provide you with more options than you would have had previously if you were to wait til turn 4-7 to cast a mind spring or what not. Point is, there is no other single card in magic that can increase your card drawing ratio in magic on turn 1. Period.
- November 02, 2009
-- Frank Ferretti
I splash blue into my T1 G/R for this card and Timetwister. Along with Moxen lotus petals instead of birds. 4 Berserk. Card draw is important, and got this one before the Lotus. Thee best card. Works as power anytime in the game.
- September 02, 2004
-- Anonymous
This card is an absolute must have for any casual or type 1 magic player. Its cousins Dark Ritual and Lightning Bolt are equally impressive but nothing can beat a 3 card advantage over your opponent especially early in the game. This card is second only to the Black Lotus with its 3 free mana and its a very close second.
- December 22, 2003
-- Oweyn L. Wood
This Is the best card for blue ever made!! Three cards for one??? ONE MANA?????? This is the game's basis on speed drawing!!
- June 29, 2001
-- Frankie Kehs
It was one of the original power 9 cards and the best mana to card drawing ratio that magic has ever seen. In combination with time walk and moxes and the renowned black lotus anything was possible.
- September 13, 2003
-- Anonymous
claro q si guapisimo
- February 19, 2007
-- power9 h8ter
It's an okay card drawer, but since it targets a player, it can be misdirected or diverted to the opponent for him to draw the cards instead. Worthless if I have Ivory Mask or True Beliver in play :(. Also Chalice for 1 makes it a dead card. I would play thoughtcast or gush instead.
2799.99 $2,799.99
English Near Mint
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Troll Rankings
#322,583 on Troll and Toad
#15 in Power Nine
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