Hex Ravnica Singles
0.17 $0.17
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- 7 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSorcery
Card TextDestroy six target creatures.
SetRavnica: City of Guilds
ArtistMichael Sutfin
Flavor TextWhen killing five just isn't enough.
DescriptionRavnica Single Card
Release Date10/07/2005
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- August 20, 2008
-- Anonymous
I'am running this in my Bloodfunnel Deck and enjoying it in multi!
- March 07, 2006
-- Anonymous
Keeping one of these in your deck would proove wise, imo. I can't count the number of times I see my opponent mount an army and I'm thinking OH **** and then along comes this mean thing and boom six dead, and you get to pick the cream of their crop. Then again... if your opponent keeps a counter spell handy its useless.
- January 23, 2006
-- Patrick
you guys are being too hard on this card. sure it's near useless in tournament play, but in a late game casual multiplayer it isn't so bad. 6 mana for 6 creatures. *shrug*
It's a good way of clearing someone's defenses at the very least.
Well, unless they have less than 6 creatures and you have to start targeting your own.
- December 25, 2005
-- the stalker
i don't think you get how to use this, since it's pretty expensive, you opponent(s) are bound to have 6 creatures by then or you put it in a token deck. however, that doesn't excuse the fact that it's a rather risky card to play
- October 13, 2005
-- Dbmgamer
Do you play multiplayer Magic games with your friends (at least 4 players or more)?
Do you like to destroy creatures?
Well if you answer is yes to both this is that card you were looking for.
p.s. be careful what you target because YOU can quickly become the Target of the table.
- December 16, 2005
-- biff
calling this card a trash rare is an insult to trash rares every where! if i could've given it 1/2 stars i would have! actualy this card does have a good side... it makes me realize how good my Mutilates are.
- December 09, 2005
-- bhuddah
Sideboard, AT BEST. Don't care for this one much, and smart player's would agree I suspect. Casual player's may be enticed by this card, but beyond that, sideboarding against token decks would seem to be the ONLY real use for this, it just seems to me that there are many other wiser choices than this, 1 star.
0.17 $0.17
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