Siege-Gang Commander

Siege Gang Commander Scourge Singles
2.49 $2.49
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Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature-Goblin
Card TextWhen Siege-Gang Commander enters the battlefield, create three 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.
, Sacrifice a Goblin: Siege-Gang Commander deals 2 damage to any target.
Creature TypeGoblin
ArtistChristopher Moeller
Flavor Text
DescriptionScourge Single Card
Release Date05/26/2003
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- April 16, 2011
-- Anonymous
Renessaince de Kuldotha+ ceci= aliéné!
- September 08, 2010
-- dakota forsythe
the best art work i have seen ever. it makes me want to cry like a little baby.
- September 06, 2010
-- el_chanis
brutal card advantage. An atomic bomb in the goblin deck, lackey's, instigator's, warchief's and banerette's best friend. His 2nd hability its the control touch the deck needs and can finish a game by his own, so versatile.
- April 01, 2010
-- Nate Looman
Leader of all goblins. Master of disaster.
- April 01, 2010
-- Nate Looman
Leader of all goblins. Master of disaster.
- March 21, 2008
-- jester
check this combo out. Squee, goblin nabob, deathrender, and siege gang commander. when you play siege commander you attach deathrender to a token and sac it. deathrender lets you play Squee from your hand for free and it immediatly attaches to Squee. sac Squee and next turn he goes back to your hand and the cycle goes on... and if you're worried about mana, just play a brightstone ritual, easy mana AMAZING IN GOBLIN DECKS!!!
- February 21, 2008
-- Jesse
Let's see, first turn Goblin Lacky, attack second turn, and throw down that Siege-Gang Commander!!!!!! Holy snaps! 5 Gob's turn 2!!!!!!!!!! Then on that same turn, drop Goblin Piledriver, then say GG.
- October 16, 2007
-- Andrew
Yikes, stoke those goblin sac engines..... goblins should be good in type two...
- October 04, 2007
-- Goblinz
Just drop this card with a goblin warrens and your opponent pretty much gets at least -2 per turn
- February 18, 2007
-- Anonymous
5 goblins in one card is great, even without the abilities.
- April 20, 2006
-- Anonymous
gang commander is a must for all goblin decks
- September 20, 2010
-- D Jones
A really solid card in a goblin heavy deck. Aside from the obvious advantages, it keeps your goblins from dying worthlessly. Just respond and sac it to squeeze a little extra out of every one! This is particularly useful when you need to chump block; declare blockers and then sac. A lot of players don't realize that if a blocker leaves play, blocked creatures still stay blocked.
- July 30, 2010
-- Anonymous
simply an amazing card the only problem i see with siege gang is mana cost but that is what goblin warchief, goblin lackey, warren instigator, mana excel etc. are for this is decent outside of a goblin deck but really shines when is in one provides nice fodder for the sacs and if u have the goblin lords out ( chieftain and king) they can get carried away just by attacking
- March 25, 2010
-- Mark N
5 manas is to much for a bunch of 1/1 tokens. use stangg insted cuz he's two monsters in one and he gots power 3/4 and when I attak your 1/1 tokens ill kill 3 of your monsters and you dont kill any of mine. i like locust swarm better to you can untap and regrnate it so it dont die. seige commander not good, stangg and locust swarm awesome!
2.49 $2.49
Near Mint
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