Xantid Swarm

Xantid Swarm Scourge Singles
0.89 $0.89
Near Mint
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- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature-Insect
Card TextFlying Whenever Xantid Swarm attacks, defending player can't cast spells this turn.
Creature TypeInsect
ArtistDavid Martin
Flavor TextWhen they land on you, all you can think about is tearing them off.
DescriptionScourge Single Card
Release Date05/26/2003
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- December 30, 2010
-- Jay
Hands down the best Green card to force your opponent to make decisions. For control, if you allow this to attack during the Declare Attackers Step, know they are going to drop their best creatures and their kill w/o any hesitation. Or Simply after the attack is declared they will pump it up with Invigorate, Giant Growth, etc. and finish with a Berserk and not worry that it will be bounced, STP/PTE, countered, or the like. I'm really surprised this card isn't worth $5+ a peice and plan on making a playset for "Berserk Stompy" to bring to Legacy!
- July 16, 2010
-- Neil Gordon
No reviews yet?? This card is the unofficial "boss" of my G/W deck. If it is killed or not is of no consequence, it opens the door to the vastly underplayed main phase 2. At a casting cost of 1 G it is payable in any prism theme. Even you affinity players could indulge,

Turn 1: Ornithopter, paridise mantle, land, equip. turn 2 HONEY BEES!! Now dont get me wrong, any card has loop holes. It is just so mush fun to play against the "Counter" decks that seem to be the only thing people can play at tournaments any more...I'll counter your counter, I'll mana leak your counter...LAME!!! With cards like xantid swarm,silence,armageddon, aven mindsensor and planar collapse(i'll keep the rest to myself, unless i see you at legacy) you can come up with some completly original decks, and your coming straight out of left field so NOBODY see's it coming. I guess what im trying to say is stop trying so hard to win and try instead to enjoy yourself at the tournament and we will all see a wider variety of decks and have fun putting my creation up against yours, Not somebody else's deck you downloaded off the internet. Be original, Be a Wizard not a drone...
- August 09, 2010
-- Jim
I love comboing these with Staying Power. It is not legal in tournaments, but it's a pretty nasty trick in casual play. On a separate note, I could not agree more with the first reviewer. I too am getting more and more fed up with the mindless robot masses. Too many people have stopped using their own intelligence and creativity and simply go to the internet, look up some deck lists, and copy them... Yawn. Be a wizard, not a drone, that sums it up nicely.
0.89 $0.89
Near Mint
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#132,690 on Troll and Toad
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