Rhox War Monk Shards of Alara Singles
0.25 $0.25
Near Mint
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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Rhino Monk
Card TextLifelink
Creature TypeRhino, Monk
SetShards of Alara
ArtistDan Dos Santos
Flavor TextRhox monks are dedicated to spiritual growth and learning, and most bear the sigils of many students. However, they do not gladly suffer fools or those who disagree with their carefully wrought dogma.
DescriptionShards of Alara Single Card
Release Date10/03/2008
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- June 27, 2010
-- Caleb Key
Rhox War Monk see a lot of play in legacy, being used in countertop control decks, new horizons, bant survival, etc. His 4 toughness and lifelink for only 3 mana makes this the go to guy (maindeck or sideboard) against fast aggro decks. He can survive a lightning bolt and can whack for 3 lifegain. Any deck running Tundra's, Tropical Islands, and fetches should have no problem plopping this guy down on turn 3 everytime. If you have a birds of paradise, noble heirarch, or an elvish spirit guide he can be out on turn 2 and will slow down your opponent's deck long enough to get yours established. 3 extra life every turn is pretty nice and will force your opponent to waste a removal spell that they would otherwise be saving for one of your late game fatties.
- October 03, 2008
-- zimmer
this card is awesome. thick body AND lifelink? this will likely see 3 dollars a pop before it leaves standard
0.25 $0.25
Near Mint
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