Dakmor Sorceress

Dakmor Sorceress Starter Series
4.99 $4.99
Near Mint
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- 5 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Wizard
Card TextDakmor Sorceress's power is equal to the number of swamps you control. (Count only the swamps you have in play, including both tapped and untapped swamps.)
Creature Typewizard
SetStarter 1999
Flavor Text
DescriptionStarter 1999 Single Card
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- February 27, 2008
-- Brad
Love this card. Awesome Illustration. I just threw it in my Old School Black deck I recently built. And the one I have was signed by Matt Wilson at Gencon 2002. :)
- June 05, 2003
-- K to tha P
When I first started playing magic I saw this card and went Wow...I want that hot little devil(for lack of better words). She works great in mono black decks and is alright in anything else. But at 12 dollars to buy you gotta know how to use her.
- March 31, 2003
-- Eric
This my all time favorite card. The artwork is just wonderful. She looks so calm, yet ready and beautiful yet deadly. That's all that needs to be said.
- January 04, 2003
-- Biggum
i agree,i love it. i got like 3 years ago when i found 2 packs of portal 2nd age in a target store. so i was proud to get the last 2 they had. and i got this great card in one of them. it went from the pack into a toploader and that is where it has stayed.....
- November 06, 2001
-- Nick
In MtG there are collectors, and then there are players. From a player's viewpoint this card is worthless, as it was printed in a set which is not tournament legal. However from a collector's viewpoint this card is *great*. Low print run makes it hard to find. Many of them were destroyed by the fact that the set was targeted towards beginners who weren't concerned with condition. And of course the art is awesome. Every collector should have one, or in my case, six. Especially at the ridiculously low price advertised listed. I volunteer for 3 more as soon as they become available.
4.99 $4.99
Near Mint
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Troll Rankings
#137,195 on Troll and Toad
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