Auratog Time Spiral Time Shifted Singles
0.79 $0.79
Near Mint
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Sell to Us $0.31 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Atog
Card TextSacrifice an enchantment: Auratog gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Flavor TextThe auratog enjoys eating its wards.
DescriptionTime Spiral Time-Shifted Single Card
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
Near Mint
of 18
- December 28, 2008
-- that guy
makes a great combo with auratog + aura thief + enchanted evening from the new eventide set. sacrifice aura thief to gain control of all of their enchantments (which are all of their permanents!) and then sacrifice all of the stolen permanents and smack them for a bajilllion damage. and besides the art is pretty awsome, he looks pretty sinister
- August 28, 2007
-- Anonymous
ok here is what is up equip it with temporal isolation and other things that make it worthless but still able to attack then attack with it and before damage is on the stack because they wont block him sac the enchanments beef him and deal some hard damage fun stuff fun stuff
0.79 $0.79
Near Mint
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $0.31 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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