Feldon s Cane Time Spiral Time Shifted Singles
1.29 $1.29
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- 5 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeArtifact
Card Text
, Remove Feldon’s Cane from the game: Shuffle your graveyard into your library.
Flavor TextFeldon found the first of these canes frozen in the Ronom Glacier.
DescriptionTime Spiral Time-Shifted Single Card
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- June 22, 2010
-- Corneilious the great explorer
I have found that between this and tormord's crypt im pretty well stacked against the "reanimator" and "dredge" decks that are so popular, what ever happened to the good old days when you could go to a tournament and play against many different decks? Every time me and my wife go, we are the only two people not playing some copy of the same deck, makes us sad to see people only want to win but have forgotten what it means to play YOUR own deck...not one you downloaded off of last years world champs...
- March 22, 2009
-- Michael Erickson
dustin is right this is highly underestimated, I use it in my burn deck called red dusk and i can run cards out of my hand so easily and if im down to almost nothing in my deck i use it and i can run amok all over my opponent, and if im getting mana screwed I can easily use it and give me a better edge in winning the game with the possibility of mana
- September 10, 2007
-- Dustin Ethridge
The power of this card is ridiculous, it goes far beyond getting back spells, lands and creatures. It gives you immense staying power 2 copies is like having 2 extra decks with out the whole not being able to draw to save your life or breaking the 4 card limit. So many combos and tricks its not even funny and nobody playin in chaos games would pass the opportunity to abuse this lil underated gem. good stuff.
- August 23, 2005
-- Shadow1213
Very usefull. Most of my deck is spells and when i run out im screwed so i play that and my spells are back in my deck with my monstars that i couldnt manage to revive.
- June 13, 2002
-- tom cadden
This card is good due to its 1 casting cost and that it is super old from its origional set but unless u play it properly its pointless.
1.29 $1.29
Near Mint
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $0.63 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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