Shadowmage Infiltrator

Shadowmage Infiltrator Time Spiral Time Shifted Singles
0.39 $0.39
Near Mint
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- 37 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Human Wizard
Card TextFear

Whenever Shadowmage Infiltrator deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.

Flavor Text
DescriptionTime Spiral Time-Shifted Single Card
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- December 10, 2007
-- Habdullah Beulleuhabdeullh
Stop talking about this card being overrated: it's a 1/3 for 3 that makes card advantage like Ophidien. (If you want an overrated card check Tarmogoyf).
- February 06, 2004
-- pro
best card ever made by a champion
- October 17, 2003
-- ramil
three mana, cant be blocked except artifact creatures oh and the card advantage is real nice
- February 24, 2003
-- asdf
This card is only good for trading se you trade this for 4 iresedent angels or some Invasion Set Dragons and ahe he he he get better cards but this card is fun
- January 24, 2003
-- timma
If you knew how many people I have penetrated with this card you would not play me. It's pretty when foil.
- January 01, 2003
-- Rob Wiggins
I have four, unfortunately at a high price. But, i must say, that if you thought Ophidian was awesome, nothing fits like a Finkel! (Copyright 03 by Rob Inc)Wizard decks are but fragments without them, and everyone loves the almost always guaranteed extra card you get when you turn him sideways. Ah, it's wonderful :).
- November 24, 2002
-- Anonymous
this card is so good, i mean if u were gonna make a cardu would make it good as hell right?
- July 03, 2002
-- Jon
If you have ever played or played against this card then you know it gives an insane card advantage, once you are drawing 2 or 3 cards a turn it is all over.
- April 20, 2002
-- Anonymous
who ever said this card isnt good is a horrible mtg player it is awsome in t2 and really good in t1 card advantage is what magic is all about!!
- March 13, 2002
-- Anonymous
before all of the idiot newbies say it sux, look up the T2 decklists from the PRO TOUR. you do not know better than them, so dont act like it.
- March 09, 2002
-- Justin
All I got to say is card advantage thats the way to win!
- March 04, 2002
-- Scott Guber Pres. Finkel Fan Club
The only card recommended by Fyvish Finkel aka Harvey Lipschitz.
- February 24, 2002
this card kix a$$
- February 11, 2002
-- Anonymous
This car is well worth it . I played against an Infiltraor deck and it mopped the for with me as well as everyone else.
- January 09, 2002
-- Miss Abyss
Everyone wants to kill it, when it hits the table.
So i think it is also the best decoy card ever made.
- December 30, 2001
-- Adolfo Planeswalker
Their is nothing like the look on your opponents face when he sees four of the same killer card coming down his throat.
- December 22, 2001
-- Jason B
Finkel made this card for a reason
- November 25, 2001
-- Anonymous
I think this card is self explanitory.
- November 05, 2001
-- mishra666
it is worth the twenty five bones
- May 20, 2007
-- Anonymous
It is a target because it gets you card advantage.

It's not about how much damage it does, it's about what it can get you(i.e. nihilith, counterspell, delay, remand, terror).

He does not do the actual hard hitting, he gets you the things you need in order to destroy your opponent and everything they have.

He is easily killed, but solid nonetheless.

Card advantage = good.
- November 17, 2002
-- Anonymous
It's pretty good, but it makes me mad when a card is given a real high money value just because Kye or Finkel made it. Oh sure, 10 bucks is better than 25, but from what I've read, a lot of people play it just so their opponent will kill it. ??? Not worth 10 dollars.
- July 18, 2002
-- Derek Ames
Yes, this is a very good card, but I agree that it does fall short of a five star rating. I have used it many times in my decks and have found that it does have its weaknesses. But, if it works for you, then more power to you!
- June 13, 2002
-- Anonymous
Finkel was far from the best creature in the set, did he have an entire archetype made out of him(Physcatog)? When you get don to it, this is only an Ophidian with a Fear for 100s of times priced. In Limited, he is situational since everyone either drafts black or something to beat black.
- April 27, 2002
-- Anonymous
Ensnaring Bridge + psychatog + Shadowmage = A priceless look on your opponent's face.
A bit pricy though.
- March 27, 2002
-- Matthew Davis
I think this is a really good card for what it does, but its just not as good people think it is. Its over-rated just because its Jon Finkel. Hes not even the worlds best Magic player.
- March 19, 2002
-- Sir Megallot
to all the morons who gave this card a five-star rating with no explaination: that proves you dont know anything about the game. not a bad card, yet no way in hell a five star. wake up. hes a 1/3 for 3... not bad. hes a decent blocker. he does evade nicely, but he only hits for one. card advantage is nice, especially in a creature so it takes up less slots in your deck, but to pay 25 bucks for that card is absurd. all it takes is one white mana to off him. a five star card? these are five star cards: morphling, swords to plowshares, birds of paradise. Not Shadowmage Infiltrator. I have never seen the tide of a game turn on this card alone. a five star card turns a game by itself. the infiltrator simply falls short.
- January 22, 2002
-- matt
i dont think this card is any thing special but im not saying its bad. all im saying is that all it is is a rare kicked up thieving magpie
- December 20, 2008
-- greg
it's an ohran viper with fear and not deathtouch, which in my opinion is pretty decent. the problem is that ohran viper comes down on turn 2 and this...doesn't. in control decks it's not terrible, but...mrmph,
- November 20, 2002
-- Anonymous
this is abit the other way compared to scapalexisis. I woudn't keep this in play too long unless I knew I was banding it to somthing stronger
- June 25, 2002
-- Evan
When odyssey came out, everyone though mirrari and shadowmage were going to be the top cards... turns out call of the heard was. this card is like prophetic bolt: not played to often. by the way, i agree with anonymous, this card is only good if the damage goes through, and wild mongrel totaly kills shadowmage.
- March 28, 2002
-- Jonah
Decent at best. You se the irony of this card is that it is black So many decks have an infiltrator or have black, that its fear evasion is worthless. You can't use dark ritual to get it out early, and a flametongue kavu eradicates it immediately. It's ability to draw cards is unpresedented however and it can be a powerhouse, but really, it's usually not. Look at pro tours so far, infiltrator decks don't do so well; big blue decks or black decks shut it down quickly, and there isn't muh else in type 2 right now than black or blue, and it makes infiltrator too hard to use. In extended, Masticore, the top creature card in that field (which can be used in any deck) shuts it down like nothing. Really it is only worth money in limited (where solutions may not be readily available) or fr casual play. As for tournaments however, it doesn't make the cut.
- December 21, 2001
-- Anonymous
Over-rated, Over-priced and surely going to be overplayed. With the amount of hate that this boy is going to attract he is not going to last long if he does hit play. oh and FTK murders him every time.
yes, its a good card. BUT not as good as everyone is saying it is
- November 24, 2002
-- Indy
oh wow, a draw card attacker with fear, sure it has a low casting cost, but definantly not worth the 10 bucks, Thieving magpie same thing but with flying replacing fear, cheaper too!
- April 18, 2002
-- Anonymous
OK. There is a reason to play black so you don't run into cards like these. They are good cards for your sideboard but you should avoid them because it is weak.
- February 01, 2002
-- chris
this card should notbe made such a big deal of,all it gets u is another card IF and i mean if it inflicts the damage, and it is weak!!! not worth the money
- August 24, 2002
-- Travis
I play a lot of tournament MTG and have never yet had trouble with a SI. None of my decks are black, (I play red, blue/white, green, and red/green) white kills him off for 1 mana by cards like
- February 24, 2002
-- Anonymous
This card is way overrated!!! It is very weak
0.39 $0.39
Near Mint
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