Plateau Unlimited Singles
799.99 $799.99
Near Mint
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Casting Cost
Card TypeLand
Card Text(
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Creature TypeMountain, Plains
SetUnlimited Edition
ArtistDrew Tucker
Flavor Text
DescriptionUnlimited Single Card
Release Date12/01/1993
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- April 02, 2011
-- systemic
This is the only black border version of this card with this art. This is by far the rarest of all dual lands.
- March 04, 2011
-- xeous
As a collector, this fbb edition of revised Plateu is a must have,
because the foreign black bordered is the only version available for this art in black border.
- November 24, 2009
-- Anonymous
i love this card i think it looks cooler than the original art. i think this card is great as of all duel lands but i like to use the power of whites control and reds destruction to have control of the field.
- March 21, 2008
-- Matthew
The "Revised" version artwork was a last minute change because the (alpha/beta) illustration files had become corrupt.
- January 22, 2007
-- Anonymous
Regarding the art, I may be mistaken, but I believe the original art file found in this version was corrupted prior to making the cards for Revised. The Revised Plateau artwork was taken from a card intended for the Ice Age set, as a quick fix.
- February 24, 2005
-- Anonymous
actually, just wanted to mention the art. this card is peculiar in that out of all the dual lands(to my knowledge anyway) this one has different artwork in the 'revised' edition. now i personally revile 'revised' because of it bleached washed out look to the inks on the cards, but 'plateau' has, in my humble opinion, much better art in the 'revised' card. i believe its a man on horseback in the distance, at night, on top of a mesa with the full moon shining. now i may be wrong about the man on horseback but the rest of it i'm pretty sure of. of course its all washed out(typical of 'revised' as i've just mentioned) but you can wonder why they didn't go with that piece instead of this one. which isn't bad, its just not all that....................
799.99 $799.99
Near Mint
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