Wall of Wood

Wall of Wood Unlimited Singles
0.49 $0.49
English Near Mint
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- 4 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSummon Wall
Card TextDefender (This creature can't attack.)
Creature TypeWall
SetUnlimited Edition
ArtistMark Tedin
Flavor TextEverybody knows that to ward off trouble, you knock on wood. But usually it's better to make a wall out of the wood and let trouble do the knocking.
DescriptionUnlimited Single Card
Release Date12/01/1993
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- October 08, 2010
-- MST
This is one of the cards that got me interested when I first started playing (during Unlimited). This thing will repeatedly stop other 1cc creatures, unless your opponent(s) wish to waste a spell to get rid of it. Staple in my deck long before tinder wall came out.
- March 15, 2005
-- Krusty Boy
Wall of wood is by no means a bad card. It's just that there are so many better common cards out there. Get a Birds of Paradise or Pouncing Jaguar and then forget about this unspectacular card.
- May 15, 2008
-- Lunaticfringe
This card is an inferior version of Tinder Wall from Ice Age. I like the low casting cost, but it would pain me to play it thinking about Tinder Wall
- June 04, 2005
-- Anonymous
This card sucks. Wall of Timber in Ice Age does the same thing but speeds up your deck.
0.49 $0.49
English Near Mint
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