Wrath of God

Wrath of God Unlimited Singles
282.49 $282.49
English Near Mint
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- 80 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Rare
Color White
Casting Cost
Card Type Sorcery
Card Text Destroy all creatures. They can't be regenerated.
Set Unlimited Edition
Artist Quinton Hoover
Flavor Text  
Description Unlimited Single Card
Release Date 12/01/1993
Dimensions 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- February 04, 2011
-- Kitsune
Great card, 5 stars
- May 22, 2010
-- Jace Beleren
the people who say Wrath of God will be restricted show none of any knowledges or experience in playing magic. You shoul know that Armageddon will change the meta gaming... and Wrath of God ( just like Damnation ) are well... bit different. How can you say they should be restricted? In the type 2 may be yes... but in the legacy or vintage, the answer is no!
- April 14, 2010
-- Caligula
I can't believe you can have 4 in one deck...ridiculous! Should be restricted as well as Armageddon.
- March 05, 2010
-- lucky
I agree with the last guy. Anyone who throws counterspell as an arguement to a card doesn't know what they are talking about. You want to use the counterspell arguement? Fine by me. Hey when you play counterspell maybe ill just counter your counterspell with my own counterspell cause blue white control with wrath and counterspell isn't too hard to find anymore. Everywhere I go I see people doin that cause they'll return stuff to their hand and then use wrath but retards bashing a great card don't seem to realise the usefulness of a two card combo. For anyone complaining about it kills your own cards, it helps with zuberas but if no one uses wrath with those, that's fine. A much more powerful set and I believe tournament winning was WRATH and ASTRAL SLIDE! Anyone about to insult this card should look up astral slide before you think anyone wants to hear your opinion.
- February 06, 2010
-- jon
You people saying this card stinks cause it kills your stuff, well you don't know the concept of this game. This coming from a 13 year old lol. It is a classic card that deserves 5 stars from everyone. think of it this way. "Oh, no im at 6 life and you can kill me next turn, wrath of god, your probably alive for another few turns, giving you time to recover. And the one who gave this card 1 star and said "Counterspell" Well the problem with that is ALMOST EVERY SPELL IN THE ENTIRE GAME YOU CAN COUNTERSPELL!!!!!!!!!!!
- January 25, 2010
-- Hellkite
Ok nubes hows this - ghostway then wrath of god/day of judgement, or just for kicks luminarch ascension ability afterwards. If blue white then just have counter on a stick. I love wrath of god and most of my creatures always are back at end of turn.
- December 31, 2009
-- Anonymous
Yes, Plague Wind is so awesome. It's only 7BB.
Wait, what? WoG is only 2WW, a full 5 CC lower?
Wrath of God is the best board wiper along with Damnation, hands down. The only one that's slightly more useful in really specific situations is Rout, with its (possible) instant cast speed.
Anyone seriously needs to reevaluate this card if they gave it a 1.
- November 05, 2009
-- grayson palmer
what an amazing card..i havnt been playing magic that long myself and even i know how great it is..its going to run really good in my strictly-planeswalker deck ;)
- July 08, 2009
-- austin
great card(i would be terrified if it got used on me in a tourniment)
all those people who critisize it dont know how to use it :(
- April 26, 2009
-- Brian
No doubt, anyone who plays magic knows this card,...... And fears it.
- April 09, 2009
-- AndyD1981
im using wrath in a very old school "pure" blue counter-stasis deck to clean the table of some fast thrown wheenies or ugly token creatures which are usually cast in a bunch at once....it worx
- January 27, 2009
-- JamesTheBard
When I think of a white deck, one of the more predominant cards that come to mind is Wrath of God. The title says it all. It's been here since the beginning and can save you when backed up against a formidable army. The cost requirements are good (2WW) and tends to make opponents angry--to be honest, most would expect a WoG to show up eventually.

(Oh, and as a side note: the usefulness of a card isn't whether or not a Counterspell will get rid of it...by that definition even Counterspell fails miserably.)
- September 14, 2008
-- Anonymous
Fie on all of you who are too unintelligent to see how good it really is. Only a newbie would think it's stupid to destroy your own creatures. Heck, while your at it, just play a dominaria's judgement (it only costs 50 cents anyways). I can't even count how many times it's saved me from a 1,000,000/1,000,000 quillspike. Or getting rid of god knows how many 1/1 elves. Wrath of God is most definitely worth the money.

And for everyone going up against wrath, you'd better get down and pray for a counterspell.
- June 19, 2008
-- Some Random Gangsta
I will summarize...

Let's say we're at turn seven or so...

You have an enchantment that gives all white creatures +1/+1...

You wrath of god.

Your opponent cries, tries to do something.

You cycle decree of justice for about 5 1/1 soldiers, who immediately become 2/2 creatures.

Do you have rally handy? Do you have any celestial gaurdians??? cause that combo will turn them into 4/4's immediately and you'll more than likely deal them 20 damage :)

Think about it...

Wrath of God is the tool, and one of the best white cards ever printed.
- June 15, 2008
-- skadoosh
this card is a very good card to use against an elf deck and if you dont like a white weenie deck you stil have till october {time spiral block} to use the swamp version DAMNATION witch will not be reprinted!!!!!!
- May 16, 2008
-- Anonymous
This with the new persist mechanic form the shadowmoor block is a very nice combo.
- May 15, 2008
-- Lunaticfringe
Correctly cast, this spell almost automatically results in card efficiency, which is terrific. When one card can remove 2+ cards from your enemy's control, I'd say that has potential to be great.

Further, this spell also eliminates those creatures that can't be targeted. I'd like to know how people who criticise this card handles those types of creatures.

I do like the older version better though, as they "buried" all creatures, which I believe will eliminate those that can't be, "destroyed." Under this version, it appears creatures immune to destroy effects won't be harmed.

All-in-all, a great card.
- April 12, 2008
-- Z
You are either a rookie Magic player or a total tool if you can't see the full potential of this card. How many times have you been outnumbered by an opponent and wished you could kill all the creatures giving you s***?!?

Armageddon Baby! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
- February 03, 2008
-- john gillis
i know its an expensive combo but use wrath of god, then death or glory and finally armageddon, that way they have no creatures or mana and you can cut them down in a single attack.
- November 05, 2007
-- Anonymous
yup wrath of god is one of the best clean up created by mtg... it can be used as a support for a control deck or a beatdown deck. its a solid destroy all without any harsh feedback. its true strength depends on how and when will you use it. no wonder players try to sell this card in a very expensive price, but you can afford a cheaper type 2 version of the card(the one who looks like goku's spirit bomb), it cost for 250-300 peso that's 5-6 dollars based on the current exchange rate.
- July 22, 2007
-- Anonymous
Creature control. They overextend, you take the game. They don't overextend, you drop something that takes control and win. Perfect fit in control decks. Couple this with damnation and you have all the mass removal you could possibly want.

Recommended strongly.
- April 11, 2007
-- R Arnold
this is one of the best white cards of all time, much better than mageta the lion (though mageta is still pretty good). play mageta the lion against me and it'll be dead 80% of the time before it can even use it's ability.
- April 10, 2007
-- Davide Dalia
Wrath of God is a card that make Magic Story, it's a must for a Control Deck (that use White) & last way out for many critical situations vs aggro decks. Mageta is good, but it can dye easy, before you can use it.
..:: Wrath of God (& Damnation) Rulez ::..
- March 10, 2007
-- Rory Gallagher
Staple card. It is a defining force in just about every format it exists in, keeping aggro decks in check, and providing life lesssons for Sliver deck players everywhere. Just about every W/x control deck should be running multiple copies of these.
- January 26, 2007
-- Anonymous
Add in penumbra wurm and/or symbiotic wurm and BAM! you got a win condition
- January 12, 2007
-- shen
i play mono black usualy, and even i know wrath of god is a godly card. its one of those safe resets for when the feild looks bad. add in a quicken with blue white control and this card is extremely useful...
i hear black got a card like this in the newer sets?same mana cost, with a name like Damnation or something, but cant find it :x. itd be cool to have a black one tho. that means black/white could run 8 wraths
- January 05, 2007
-- Anonymous
ya i can totally see mageta as 'lololol!!!1! pwn4ge!!! over this. 5 casting cost instead of 4, creature able to be destroyed, can't use it's ability until next turn, costs an additional 4 mana, 2 cards, and tap to get it to work. as for it being useless cause it kills your own creatures......... um.... it's not meant for beatdown decks
- November 27, 2006
-- saint
wrath of god is one of the best cards in the game end of story. 4 wrath of god+ 4 Ghostway = win for you
- November 15, 2006
-- Sven
Um... Wrath doesn't belong in WW... Still, an awesome card.
- November 12, 2006
-- Trevor Houts
Excellent card. You will not find a better mass creature removal card. This card isn't for every deck, but when used correctly it is a powerhouse.
- October 19, 2006
-- Talon
Also Magetta takes away your card advantage... That's what makes Wrath so good, it's cheap and keeps card advantage
- October 19, 2006
-- Talon
Wrath of God is by far one of the best magic cards there is. What are you all big Timmy players? WoG is great mass creature removal, you shouldn't lose card advantage, and it's very cheap, no real drawbacks besides losing your own critters, which in a lot of cases WoG comes in handy wouldn't matter anyway
- October 01, 2006
-- Anonymous
It is awesome .Yesterday in a four way battle I use wrath of god and destroyed twenty something creatures >What other card can do something like that .
I get so excited when I use it I almost soil myself.
- September 12, 2006
-- ppoland
I love solar flare decks and all solar flare decks have wrath of god in them or at least they should and so I love wrath of god
- September 05, 2006
-- Joe Reyes
WoG is one of the best staple cards. Period. It's one of the few cards that you always have 4 of in a deck, no questions asked.
- September 01, 2006
-- moey
the people who gave this card one star need to rethink their understanding of the game. This card is incredible.
- May 14, 2006
-- Anonymous
Mix this with something like Jolrael, turning your opponent's lands into creatures, and you can destroy all of them as well. Unstoppable.
- March 31, 2006
-- michael bergeron
Wrath of god is one of the best cards that MTG has ever come up with. Anyone that thinks other wise probly should play MTG.
- March 24, 2006
-- Anonymous
I can't think of any artifacts or enchanments that deal damage to opponents for each creature lost but this card makes a very nice spell deck (red/white comes to mind with a couple of story circles) game over!!!
- February 23, 2006
-- Scott Miller
This card is just awesome, and anyone who gave it less than 5 stars obviously needs a little more experience in the game before they rate any cards.
- February 17, 2006
-- Lizard King
A real gem. This card has many combo possibilties, especially with some of the new Guildpact cards. Wrath of God puts the control in your hands and can completely switch momentum in your favor. Lose friends and make enemies with Wrath of God.
- December 28, 2005
-- Jordan
this card is great if you have no ceartures on the feild
- May 07, 2005
-- Moose
Excellent card for control; best when opponent overextends; Wrath then drop a bunch of "White Weenies". Also has the best picture of all the Wraths printed. Pulled from other Portal follow-ons because the picture was too violent.
- April 01, 2005
-- Anonymous
This is a great card, especially if used with glory. For 7 mana you can wipe out all of your oppenents creatures and leave your own in tact.
- March 11, 2005
-- HighlandertillIdie
I just want to say straight out that whoever says Megeta the Lion is a better card than Wrath of God should be dragged into the street and shot. There is a reason why Wrath of God has been a MTG staple since the days of Alpha. No attempt at duplicating the massive power of Wrath of God has omce nearly close to the halting and stopping power of this card.
- February 10, 2005
-- Anonymous
well, was writing a review on the card that just preceded this and as i play with this one also(in a 1.5 mono white deck) thought i may as well chip in my two cents worth. so i'll just say this card has very little too prove as it has over and over , almost since the beginnings of MTG, proven itself all over the place up to and including the tournament scene of whatever format your playing. the art on this card is unique to my knowledge on all the different versions in the first ten years of MTG, and in my humble opinion, the best version out of all those preceding it. the foil is justifiably the price it is because this is a never to be duplicated version of this card as MTG has been reformatted and reframed after the 'scourge' set....for the worse in my opinion. so if your one of those lucky kats to pick up one of these babies, congrats!
- November 05, 2004
-- Brett
One of the best white cards printed. Truly amazing and always there to stop your opponents forces. The people who hate this card are blind to its 5 star value. A white mages favorite spell.
- October 30, 2004
-- Nick
This card needs no explanation, its a nuclear bomb! It can get you out of any fix, its a massive reset button, and in a white weenie deck it screams "I win!" because you can bounce back from the destruction faster than them with cards like savannah lions, no brainer short list all the way!!
- October 24, 2004
-- Anonymous
I'm glad this card is still around, one of my most favorites.
- September 09, 2004
-- Blake Trevillian
Best cheap creature removal in the game. Where would White Weenie be? How bout Wake? Didnt make it into 03 and 04 world champions decks for nothing.
- July 14, 2004
-- Kevin Ratelle
This card is really powerfull. Everybody talks about Mageta the Lion, but with Mageta the Lion, you have first too pay more mana than with a powerfull Wrath of God. Second, you have too discard two important cards from your hand with the Mageta. Why do you think a Mageta is a least four times cheaper than a Wrath ??? Control deck baby ! Enjoy Wrath of God.
- April 06, 2004
-- Anonymous
cool card good if you are on the brink of losing a game
- March 30, 2004
-- bert
wrath of god is great play it in a deck with no creatures maybe two mageta the lion some counter spells and throw in millstone for the kill its won me lots of tournaments!!!!!
- March 15, 2004
-- Jose Hinostroza
Itļæ½s probable the best type 2 card in magic. Also is one of the most representative card of this game (Itļæ½s have been reprinted since Alpha). For only 4 mana destroy every creature and it canļæ½t be regenerated.
- January 23, 2004
-- Jake Kruse
wrath of god is the best mass creature removal wizards has printed to date. relatively cheap, and very powerful, this card makes a perfect fit in almost any control deck splashing white and a definte perfect fit in any white weenie deck. 5 stars.
- May 08, 2002
-- Paul Tirocchi
Wrath of God is a staple Magic card. When I was a novice player I used to think it was stupid to destroy all creatures. I mean, I liked all my giant beasts, why would I want to kill all of them? As I became more experienced, I realized just how good Wrath of God was. When I was outnumbered I could destroy all creatures and even the playing field. Best of all, you can wage one last attack on your opponent before casting Wrath of God (assuming your creatures can not be blocked due to special abilites, or all of your opponent's creatures are tapped), dealing damage because your opponent thinks that his attacking horde will fininsh you next turn. Wrath of God is extremely good.
- March 06, 2002
-- Ramiro
A superb force in a superb white deck.
- February 04, 2011
-- Gabriel Celesta
I face second turn Bitter Blossom and third turn Spectral Procession... then the fourth turn comes... and yes, the Glorious Anthem.... Five 1/1 Flying creatures turn into 2/2 Flying (one sickness) and they attack... 8 damage!!! If you just have removal target, then this is big problem... but with the Wrath of God, the board are clean... although you still have to destroy that nasty Bitter Blossom...
- June 07, 2010
-- Kitsune
I give Wrath of God 4 stars. To the guy above me who "don't have none of any knowledges" I give no stars.
- August 08, 2009
-- siberianexpress1
Put this in a darksteel colossus deck and destroy all your opponents creatures. Then with your 11/11 colossus still on the battlefield just swing for 11 twice and you win.
- June 11, 2009
-- Kith
destructive and control , two words that describes Wrath of God, but everybody should know about Martial Coup...
- February 07, 2009
-- Pauli
Classic in magic.Wrath of god's is to use tacticly;first play 1 creature of own as a decoy and then when opponent plays most of his creatures you wipe the board.^^
- June 11, 2008
-- shane redd
counterbore but still pro white then drop it
- November 10, 2007
-- Kevin Eng
This always worked great with my Lhurgoyf, especially once I use inviolability on it.
- April 23, 2006
-- Blargendy
Umm.... 1 word. Darksteel.
- July 11, 2005
-- Derek Tucker
All the people giving this card less than four stars, and saying Mageta the lion is better are wrong. Wrath of God is cheaper to get out and it doesn't cause you to discard two cards. What if you have no creatures and your opponent is swarming you, I think Wrath just saved the game. Classic reset button.
- December 28, 2004
-- Anonymous
idk about it being the best mass creature removal wizards have ever made. Jokulhops is a great card to get a fresh new start and same with nevinyrral's disk. It is a good card though don't get me wrong.
- December 13, 2004
-- Steve Urkel
This card pi$$es people off (not being able to regenerate your Masticore can get you a little touchie...).
Along with all of the other creatures. Bye, bye prop. white creatures...too bad Wrath of God isn't an instant...but then, that would be cheating.
- March 02, 2003
-- david pepiton
good card its won me atlesst 50 battles but its cost may catch you off gaurd.
- April 19, 2002
-- phantom
very very very very very good card
con part is it will destroy your creatures as well
- June 30, 2006
-- Anonymous
This sort of card is really something you have t decide for yourself. where almost every magic card has a plus side and a down side, this one just happens to lie in an extreme in both areas. I use it in a black and white deck, in a combination with desolation angel to bring everything on the board to a level playing field except for my monster. Good strategy.
- October 18, 2003
-- Axe
Bah, just get a Mageta the Lion.
- April 30, 2010
-- Mark N
If you think plague wind is bad cuz of its cost, you should go and look at stuff like darksteel colosus, iona, thornelemental, or any of the ultimatm cards. u gonna tell me theyre bad cuz they cost alot? i dont think so!
- January 19, 2009
-- David
This card is doodoo. Damnation is way better cuz it looks better and a black card that can destroy black and artifact creatures.Black is the best color ever and always will b cuz of this card and reanimation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- April 11, 2008
-- Matt
This version of the card is not tournament legal so its a waste of cash
- March 20, 2005
-- big j
- December 21, 2003
-- Zack Dumlao
This is rediculously horrible, because it can easily stop my opponnent from killing me
- December 09, 2003
-- Pascal
Bad Bad card
- November 23, 2003
This card sux it is so pointless to pay 4 mana for a 1 time deal and it kills all your stuff what u need in a white deck is mageta the lion
- October 13, 2002
-- Cool Dude
It is not very good because it kills all creatures includind your own
282.49 $282.49
English Near Mint
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