Elvish Piper

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Rarity | Rare |
Color | Green |
Casting Cost | |
Card Type | Creature - Elf |
Card Text | , : Put a creature card from your hand into play. |
Creature Type | elf |
Set | Urza's Destiny |
Flavor Text | From Gaea grew the world, and the world was silent. From Gaea grew the world's elves, and the world was silent no more. -Elvish teaching |
Description | Urza's Destiny Single Card |
Dimensions | 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D |
Ship Weight | 0.004 pounds |
- February 22, 2011
-- Zladko Vladcik
-- Zladko Vladcik
D*mn near ANYTHING can get doom bladed (save, obviously, for black creatures) path to exiled, etc. etc. etc. That's the point of creature removal. To remove creatures. So, while you're at it, go ahead through the rest of the good creatures that can get removed, and go ahead and rate them a one star, while bitching about the ones that almost CAN'T get removed for having too high of a mana cost. Go ahead. Also - whispersilk cloak. Sure, it can be destroyed, but unless your opponent(s) is/are on top of their game, you can at least get one badbuns creature out there.
- July 07, 2010
-- andy bungert
-- andy bungert
one of my favorite cards by far!!!! the only 2 drawbacks are that it's a 1/1 for 4, and being that it's a 1/1 it can get burned easily (and i cant find them anywhere but here and don't want to pay $3 or more for it).
seriously helps make my mono green eldrazi deck pretty amazing. the only drawback there is if you use it's ability on Ulamog, Emrakul, or Kozilek (or others) you cannot get their casting ability, but who cares. now you have EMRAKUL, THE AEONS TORN on the field for one green mana and you're livin' la vida crazy.
and to all you who complain about how cheap or OP it is, i'm sure you have a card or cards that are just as cheap in your own decks. buy one or leave it alone. i know i sound like a jerk but yeah, that's how it is.
get canopy cover or whispersilk cloak so it's protected too :D
seriously helps make my mono green eldrazi deck pretty amazing. the only drawback there is if you use it's ability on Ulamog, Emrakul, or Kozilek (or others) you cannot get their casting ability, but who cares. now you have EMRAKUL, THE AEONS TORN on the field for one green mana and you're livin' la vida crazy.
and to all you who complain about how cheap or OP it is, i'm sure you have a card or cards that are just as cheap in your own decks. buy one or leave it alone. i know i sound like a jerk but yeah, that's how it is.
get canopy cover or whispersilk cloak so it's protected too :D
- June 20, 2010
-- Henry M.
-- Henry M.
This is an amazing card if you have one of those Forest decks with big beasts that always take forever to get out (Enourmous Baloth, Molimo, etc.). A 1/1 is not good, especially for 4 mana, but with Piper's extraordinary bonus this is a must have for big green decks.
- February 22, 2010
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Why yes, i would like a turn five progenutus...
- December 01, 2009
-- Peitsa Rautio
-- Peitsa Rautio
I don't get the hate. This card is excellent. In addition to simply making your creatures cheap as heck you can play them at INSTANT SPEED. That alone makes it one of the greatest abilities in the history of green creatures. Combo this with Summoner's Pact to play any creature at any time, it's pretty damn great. What's that you say? An infinity damage burn spell coming my way? Well excuse me, let me just fetch my Platinum Angel and ruin your master combo.
- October 28, 2009
-- Jonathon Miller
-- Jonathon Miller
Great card for any deck that sports green, but I'd rather run Skyshroud Poachers in an elf deck.
- September 27, 2009
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
I used this Card once to get out Progentius. =D 5 stars.. I won also..
- August 09, 2009
-- Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert
-- Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert
- July 21, 2009
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
can you say Progenitus.
- June 14, 2009
-- Xarr
-- Xarr
I believe anyone rating this card anything less than 5 has made a foolish error. This card is a game altering card that MUST be countered or otherwise dealt with the turn it enters play. For those that state that it is too easy to get rid of has obviously never played against someone with any real skill. It is absurdly easy to protect your creature when it makes play. There are dozens of ways to do it and I'll give you one right now. Eladamri, Lord of Leaves. To answer anyone that starts talking about actually drawing these to cards; think about any of the legal Tutors and green acceleration and you are beginning to think about a powerful deck for pretty cheap.
- January 17, 2009
-- greg
-- greg
crrrazy good...i dont know if its restricted yet; if so, that's okay. that's what elvish harbingers are for!! turn one birds of paradise, turn two harbinger, turn 3 this, turn 4 diabolic tutor for a phyrexian colossus and put it into play. from there you can play an angel off despair or whatnot, or just leave mana open for counterspells (like cancel: bops and the harbinger can give you the 2 blue, or 2 black for the tutor), OR keep on tutoring for whatever fatty you like (i'm thinking akroma, angel of wrath) or drop in a second winds (idk what it's called...that blue enchantment from future sight that untaps the creatures it's enchanting for the cost of tapping the enchantment) for TWO huuge fatties per turn...wow. i'm gonna start working on a deck based upon the broken-ness of this card. cripes indeed.
- October 12, 2008
-- Joseph the magical man
-- Joseph the magical man
Has no one tought of this+ beast of burden? And by the way, all you people who didnt give this 5 stars, the reason its so good is becuase you DONT need to put it in an elf deck. FIVE POWER! FIVE POWER! FIVE POWER! FIVE POWER!
- September 25, 2008
-- gabe chan
-- gabe chan
You could play the creature card whenever you can play an ability. This makes Elvish Piper so sneaky. If i attack you with 3/3 i could summon a 13/13 into play and kill the monster. With Black lotus, you can have a big creature at turn 2
- August 23, 2008
-- Vince4rock
-- Vince4rock
hahha hh put a Darksteel Colossus into play that will be funny
- October 15, 2007
-- AMK
-- AMK
use with freed from the real, and badda-boom! several huge creatures at once with enough forests and islands
- January 31, 2007
-- LEF
-- LEF
What I like about it, is the fact you can lay the creature at ANY moment, for ONE mana, and the creature CAN NOT BE COUNTERED!
- April 22, 2006
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
one of the best cards perriod.
- December 01, 2005
-- Dennis Swanson
-- Dennis Swanson
What can be said more of this card? Everything !!
With 4 of these in your deck, summoning anything just got easier.
To name a few noteworthy cards (Greenish and Artifacts mind you) : Darksteel Colossus, Thorn Elemental, Plated Slagwurm, Autochthon Wurm, Myojin of Life�s Web, Krosan Colossus, Bringer of the Green Dawn, Body of Jukai, Chorus of the Conclave, Verdant Force, Symbiotic Wurm, and Sekki, Seasons� Guide.
All of the above are cards that take 8 mana or more (with a few exceptions) that can be summoned immediatly into play, meaning they can't be countered, with a tap and one green mana. You can't beat it !!
With 4 of these in your deck, summoning anything just got easier.
To name a few noteworthy cards (Greenish and Artifacts mind you) : Darksteel Colossus, Thorn Elemental, Plated Slagwurm, Autochthon Wurm, Myojin of Life�s Web, Krosan Colossus, Bringer of the Green Dawn, Body of Jukai, Chorus of the Conclave, Verdant Force, Symbiotic Wurm, and Sekki, Seasons� Guide.
All of the above are cards that take 8 mana or more (with a few exceptions) that can be summoned immediatly into play, meaning they can't be countered, with a tap and one green mana. You can't beat it !!
- September 19, 2005
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Talk about a fast army? Your beast and elf deck would love this card.
- September 19, 2005
-- nate sutton
-- nate sutton
this works really good with krosan cloud scrapper u should have 4 in any beast deck.
- August 07, 2005
-- mazk
-- mazk
the new tooth and nail. best card for green ive seen in a while
- June 13, 2005
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Too much fun! Try this one out with the new Kamigawa block.... Im thinking Moijins!! 3rd round iname as one, and then grab the black moijin for free!!-----discard your hands please...--------and for a good boost to the deck, try wierd harvest, works great with black moijin!!!!!
- October 25, 2004
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
this card is the best card out there to have! i mean, no matter what the mana cost, you have this and another G mana, you are as good as gold! With AANNYY Creature!
- June 11, 2004
-- Blake Xavier
-- Blake Xavier
- June 14, 2003
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
two people gave this great card one star......
- April 05, 2003
-- rps
-- rps
(G,Tap: Put a creature from your hand out into play.) Great in a big creature mono green deck. Get this out and you can play Krosan Cloudscraper(13/13 for 7GGG) out on your 2nd or 3rd turn with mana giving creatures too. Love this card man.
- November 06, 2002
-- Solon
-- Solon
This card rocks!Just think about it, any creature in your hand...FREE!
- June 07, 2002
-- Purple Switch
-- Purple Switch
Ok, everyone has already lavished praise on it. but i love this card. (I am being seen by a psychiatrist, yes.)
One really tasty trick with the piper is using it for 'splash' creatures. Want a Hypnox in your green deck? want a BFM (unglued, i know, but the fun, the fun...)? then just piper them. cards like eladamri's call (
One really tasty trick with the piper is using it for 'splash' creatures. Want a Hypnox in your green deck? want a BFM (unglued, i know, but the fun, the fun...)? then just piper them. cards like eladamri's call (
- March 03, 2002
-- treefolk 1
-- treefolk 1
The piper is one of the best, if not THE best elf in magic. Being able to put out any creature for one mana is excellent. Being able to put out a big creature early in the game makes winning a lot easier. Also the guy who gave the piper a one rating is a piece of ----.
- October 07, 2001
-- Max Petersen
-- Max Petersen
Never underestimate the power of the elves! I f you don't like mixing colors that aren't friendly to each other, you still might want to try this (for friendly play): A green/black deck with sixty cards, twenty of them lands, combine elves for green and huge creatures for black. Add this card and some Demonic Tutors, so you have a bigger chance of getting it. Maybe add some Regrowths so you can pick up the Tutors again. A very great deck! Won plenty. PS: You can add cards like Colossus of Sardia without paying the untap cost with throwing in a few Instill Energy.
- September 07, 2001
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
I think that this is one of the best green cards because u can play any card with it no matter what the casting cost of the card is and as long as u have 1 mana! If u were to put this card and a Planer Portal in a deck u could get and play all your best cards for 7 mana! What could be sweeter?
- June 28, 2001
-- Billy Wilson
-- Billy Wilson
This can be a really useful card in a deck. You can put out any creature for the low cost of one green mana. Who wants a huge trampling creature for just 1 mana?
- June 28, 2011
-- John Baber
-- John Baber
Alright, folks. Let's go over this carefully. Sneaking any creature in for G on turn 5, or sooner with some manaramp, is good. The drawback is that her 1 toughness puts Elvish Piper at risk from ANY burn spell. Any serious opponent will have something ready for a 1/1 that has to die as much as a Piper does. Conversely, any deck that makes such an investment should be prepared to protect it, either by granting shroud or countering. The cheap activation cost means that you should have at least 3 mana open in case an opponent tries to respond to her ability, and there are no shortage of 1 and 2cc counters which any deck relying on this should be running. If you REALLY wanted to get clever about it, you could Gitaxian Probe at the end of your upkeep before playing the Piper to check for removal or counter before making your move. Basically, for every way you have to kill something, there's also a way to protect it, or even to preempt the threat altogether.
"loldies2removal" isn't as convincing an argument as some people seem to think. Unless you're playing a draft format, you have to assume that your opponent has thought things through. If you build your deck with any care at all, Elvish Piper can be a great asset.
"loldies2removal" isn't as convincing an argument as some people seem to think. Unless you're playing a draft format, you have to assume that your opponent has thought things through. If you build your deck with any care at all, Elvish Piper can be a great asset.
- March 14, 2011
-- Jason Osher
-- Jason Osher
This is a fun card in causual play. Personally I like to use it with survival of the fittest and squee. But its big problem is that its a target for every removal spell in the game. If someone sees a piper hit the field it dies or dies shortly there after and its usually at least turn 4 before you can activate its ability even with some kind of mana ramp. A fast deck will have you almost dead by this time and control decks wil have there contol or at least a counter by the time you play him... Lots of fun thats why I give it 4 stars
- October 15, 2010
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
There are tons of instant removal cards that can handle this thing. Any blue counter, Doom Blade, Lightning Bolt (x2, because I would have a Giant Growth for safety), etc.
Just don't let yourself be caught off guard this card. If so, that's your own fault.
Just don't let yourself be caught off guard this card. If so, that's your own fault.
- November 01, 2009
-- Jonathon Miller
-- Jonathon Miller
Pretty good card. Great for bringing out big creatures. Still in an elf deck I prefer to run Skyshroud Poacher.
- March 20, 2008
-- Geckle
-- Geckle
It looks flashy, but it will be killed at once by any decent deck. The fact that it can put out anything means it will be targeted with almost anything the opponent has, and a 1/1 is not really that hard to kill. Practically any black or red card can kill it, and it can be stolen just as easily.
- September 15, 2005
-- piperocks
-- piperocks
4 of these..aw man....skills!
- May 09, 2004
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
SwEEt card in a dragon deck just wouldn't advise playing against black or burn
- November 14, 2003
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
i think this card is a tremendous card only to be used in a huge creature deck only because the point of this card is to bring out your huge creatures. I fyou are playing a green deck with big creatures i suggest playing this card.
- November 07, 2002
-- Suiko
-- Suiko
This is a really good card. Is it banned yet?
- December 21, 2003
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Three and half, so that a bunch of people don't go rambling on about what an idiot I am for giving this card a three. This card is excellent, but it is slightly unfair. Put it in a R/G deck with Fires of Yavimaya and bring out your 8/8 Plated Slagwurm (my favorite card I might add) for one G, then sac Fires and it is a 10/10 haste, can't be target of spells or abilities, and the game is basically over for the other player. Then, I you want to adda little more humiliation, use a Seeker of Skybreak to untap Piper and bring in Silvos and you have an 8/5 trample, regen, haste and a 10/10 that can't be burned, ad then you win the game. All because of a 1/1 Elf. Ur opponent will hate u forever and they will never play w/you again. Sorry if u spend both toady and tomorrow reading this. Peace out.
- May 13, 2008
-- Vashon Omeasoo
-- Vashon Omeasoo
This card is DEFINITELY overrated. Why? Because A. Elf decks have MASSIVE mana accelleration (Let me think... Birds of Paradise, Llanowar Elves, Gaea's Cradle, Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary, and Priest of Titania, just to name a few), and nearly all creatures in elf decks are really cheap. Sure, piper can play more powerful green cards (or any cards, if your running multiple colours), but there is no point at all. Why? Well, with all of the extra mana floating around, you could basically dry cast anything, and there'd be no point in piping it. Also, instead of relying on powerful creatures, rely on small creatures and pumping of said creatures. Such as with Elvish Champion, Coat of Arms, etc, which all work in an elf deck. Also, there are some great enchantments and equipment for elf decks (Blanchwood Armour, Umizawas Jitte), powering them further. Combine these factors with the fact that you can pump them even more white 1-turn instants (Giant Growth, Might of Oaks, Berserk (If you've got the cash)), to make them stronger. I'd think doing all of this makes more sense then getting 1 or 2 massive creatures into play, don't you? Or, you can just forget this and make an generic "elfball" finisher, where you use your 20+ mana (think about it. Gaea's Cradle gives you 1 green mana for every creature under your control, Rofellos gives you 1 green mana for every forest you control, and Priest of Titania gives you 1 green mana for every elf in your control. Combine this with the several forests, and the Llanowar Elves and Birds you have floating around. Suddenly the 20-30+ mana seems plausible now, doesn't it?) on a fireball. Instant death. What do you think of your little elvish piper now?
Well, maybe I'm being hard on the Piper. It is a pretty good card (For example, as early as your 3rd or 4th turn, you can get a Serra Avatar into play (with the right accelleration, and an Elvish Piper), when your still at high life), but is much overpowered by generic tribal elves.
Well, maybe I'm being hard on the Piper. It is a pretty good card (For example, as early as your 3rd or 4th turn, you can get a Serra Avatar into play (with the right accelleration, and an Elvish Piper), when your still at high life), but is much overpowered by generic tribal elves.
- November 08, 2004
-- Adam
-- Adam
Not to bad but kinda weak. if you can pump him up with enchantments to like a 4/4 and make him black then that deck would be sweet but it would be very easy to take out as a 1/1 green creature.
- December 27, 2010
-- Heli Nguyen
-- Heli Nguyen
Elvish Piper dies very easily to cards like Lightning Bolt, and any other burn spell. If I saw you play an Elvish Piper, I guarantee you that I will burn it right away and not let you get a big creature with it.
- June 13, 2010
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
to bad it gets doom bladed bolted canceled counter bored path to exiled flame slashed burst lightninged or any real removal for that mater yes you can cheat out massive monsters but 4 mana for a 1/1 even with its effect is asking to get slaughtered and besides why not just mana ramp elves cmon sure this can put a 15 cost monster for one forest but seriously do you think your opponent wont kill this card when it hits the field. simply put for its mana cost its just another thing to get removed by your opponent dont waste deck space in an elf deck for this card dont waste deck space with it period
- October 06, 2008
-- Steve
-- Steve
i have 2 disagree with u, Billy Wilson, cause its 4mana castin, easly burned or killed by spells or effects, u have 2 wait another turn, so it makes it ur 5th turn if u get this card that quick, and begin to feel ur opponents deck delivering a huge beating, when instead u could have priest of titania or llanowar elves, because i thought green was supposed to be about bringin vast amounts of medium creatures into play. its 4 mana for a 1/1, how rediculus. i dont know if any of u kind gentlemen realize but green elf decks dont have massive creatures, only 6 at maximum, creatures that are also elves, and try to have those card with forest cycle. n wen u verse a mage deck, they wont counter this card because time u bring out this massive creature with trample, they will steal it and use it against u, because u shouldnt have alot of powerful creatures (6 max) because of the casting cost, and if u do manage somthing 2 stop ur powerful stolen creature, they have a counterspell or somthin ready 4 it. Red burn decks will just ping this creature. so y not replace this crap with somthin useful, eg. rancor, that will be a nuesence to a mage deck and complete devestation 2 a red burn or a black destroy.
- November 29, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
I depise this card solely because my friend uses it EVERY GAME to get out huge creatures such as silvos or kahmal etc.
It is cheap!
It is cheap!
- January 19, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
this card is the worst card, i mean the piper is not even scottish for cripe sake
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