Fluctuator Urza s Saga Singles
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- 11 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeArtifact
Card TextCycling abilities you activate cost up to
less to activate.
SetUrza's Saga
ArtistJohn Matson
Flavor TextFiko summoned only atogs for three straight sessions. The tutor couldn't decide whether to punish his failure or praise his consistency.
DescriptionUrza's Saga Single Card
Release Date10/12/1998
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- October 03, 2009
-- Jason P
2 cards... Wheel of Sun and Moon + Invigorating Boon... *nuff said 4 beatdown.
- May 26, 2006
-- MoMoneyMontez
Try this on for size, first turn City of Traitors, tap to play Fluctuator. Drop a lotus petal. Only use creatures with 2 cycling cost to cycle through your deck. Sac the Petal to play Songs of the Damned when you have at least 22 creatures in your graveyard. Use the 22 black mana for a 20 point Drain Life. FIRST TURN OWNAGE!!
- November 21, 2005
-- Loren
This is a hidden gem of a card and can be used on one of the few combos that will win you the game on the first turn. 4 Lotus Petals, 4 Blasted Landscapes, 1 Songs of the Damned, 1 Haunting Misery, and the ALL the rest of your cards have 2 cycling. Pop 2 Lotus Petals out first turn along with a Blasted Landscape, sacrifice one Lotus and tap your Blasted Landscape to bust out your Fluctuator. Cycle through the entire deck for your Songs of the Damned and Haunting Misery, sacrifice you other Lotus and play Songs of the Damned for some black mana, then blast them with your Haunting Misery. With half your deck being in your graveyard from cycling it's an almost intant kill. Throw in a Consume Spirit or another Haunting Misery if you are facing off against more than one person, or it didn't kill him the first time.
- July 19, 2005
-- zhoran@cliffhanger.com
if you make a cycling deck then you can use songs of the damned and consume spirit to put crads into your graveyard and then turn all of the cards in your graveyard into mana and use your mana to gain life and kill them therefor it is not useless after all
- March 14, 2003
-- Jame LoSavio
Fluctuator is an awsome card, espesially w/ onslaught block. The Artifact Cycle(Leg, Destiny, Saga) didn't use cycling fully, but w/ cards like Krosan Tusker, pay a green to draw a card AND get a land in your hand, this card rocks.

- March 02, 2003
-- Anonymous
fluctuator + haunting misery = turn 3 win in a cycling deck
- September 26, 2002
-- Niferoth
to the guy that rated the card as a 1-star product:
have you ever played an UR Academy with this card? an Urza's Block Construced deck? Well I can bet it'd beat ANY deck in current T2 and all the T2 in years to come, thanks to this little stone: you cycle through your deck (for free!!) gain hell of alot advantage and then replay (with a Yawgmoth's Will) all the cycled cards (e.g. cloud faeries and palinchrons) to gain enourmous amounts of mana via academy, and deck your opponent with a final Stroke of Genius (like for 100?)
And now with Onslaught it gets even better...
- September 23, 2002
-- Anonymous
its not that bad. an all cycling deck w/ mortal combat as a win would not be all bad.
- November 17, 2002
-- DAP
This is now one of the key cards in the extended environment. Lightning Rift/Flucuator is going to make a lot of noise.
- October 06, 2002
-- Stuart M
Great! All cycling abilities now cost 0!
- May 28, 2001
-- Mastermind
Cycling is a useless ability, thus this proves to be a useless card. (Probably why it's on Special)

*1 Star*
2.99 $2.99
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