Morphling Urza s Saga Singles
9.59 $9.59
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- 58 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Rare
Color Blue
Casting Cost
Card Type Summon Shapeshifter
Card Text
: Untap Morphling.
: Morphling gains flying until end of turn.
: Morphling gains shroud until end of turn. (It can't be the target of spells or abilities.)
: Morphling gets +1/-1 until end of turn.
: Morphling gets -1/+1 until end of turn.
Creature Type Shapeshifter
Set Urza's Saga
Artist rk post
Flavor Text  
Description Urza's Saga Single Card
Release Date 10/12/1998
Dimensions 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- August 02, 2010
-- Seifer
Art: 5/5
Cons: Nerf by M10 Rulz, but still one of the best Top5 creature in Magic History
Overal Rating:5/5
- July 19, 2010
-- Mickey ( PT )
GREAT blue creature card. Can't be easily destroyed because it can't be target of spells or abilities, and don't forget this card enter in control decks with many counterspells....EXCELENT CARD
- June 07, 2010
-- Anonymous
5 out of 5 automatically. Some of you guys need realize that no, and I emphasize No, creature is invulnerable. Yes I lived to see my Superman leave the table many times. Sometimes in the same game with my oath/engine deck. And with all the ways to get high casting cost creatures on the table in magic I can't say hes the best creature ever, can you say recurring nightmare/spirit of the night,"AHHHH!!!". However, He IS a game winner. Not really a game changer.
- May 08, 2010
-- ferrioso
Morphling is very much alive in Vintage today! Two things win Type 1--speed & versatility. What Superman lacks in casting speed, he makes up in versatility!
- February 06, 2010
-- jon
Anyone who dosen't give this 5 stars, does not understand this card. It is so hard to get rid of. The easiest way is like wrath of god, but still this card is so awesome. Try facing it a few times and see how long it takes you to get rid of it, if you get rid of it. By the way, this is a 13 year old speaking who knows more about this game than some of you who are giving this card 1 - 2 stars.
- November 10, 2009
-- Ben
Morphling helps me with all of life's problems and gives conciliatory advice when I need it.
- October 18, 2009
-- m o x e o u s
Why this card is so good?
Because IT"S BLUE!
anything that would kill all creaturs, blue can counter it (wog, damnation & friends)
anything that would kill it, morphling can ignore it.
combine it with hermetic study, and you got a sweet untargetable machine gun!
Very powerful indeed!
- September 22, 2009
-- Level 3 Judge
You can still use all of Morphlings activated abilities even if there is 'Cannot be the target of spells or effects' active on Morphling. None of Morphlings abilities actually target itself.
- September 07, 2009
-- David
I have a question, if you put Zephid´s Embrace on morphling, it becomes a 5/5 super morphling lol, but zephid´s embrace say "Enchanted creature get +2/+2, gains flying and cannot be target of spells or habilities", last thing it says, "cannot be target of spells or habilities" is someting morphling can do with no need of zephid´s embrace. The question is, if morphling can´t be target of spells or habilities, can it be target of his oun habilities souch gain flying or get +1/-1 or -1/+1?
- August 30, 2007
-- Anonymous
It's Superman dammit!
- March 30, 2007
-- Anonymous
Best. Ever.
- February 09, 2007
-- Anonymous
there is no creature like morphling. it earns the superman title from the shear scope of it's ablities. cards like serra angel are popular because they play offense and defense... morphling does this and more. it can't be killed by any creature with less than 6 power and can switch from and 5/1 to a 0/6 when damage is on the stack it flys over defenders if there are any and shruggs off targeted removal. and after all of this it come's back and plays defence agaist 90% of the creatures in magic. as long as there is mana to fuel it be it cloudpost or tron it is invinceable it is definitely blue's best creature and might be the best creature ever. it remains to be seen if it's little brother torchling can live up to the legacy but if you have a blue deck that consitantly gets tron on the field you can't go wrong adding morphling unless, that is you already have 4

faster than a speeding bullet. more powerful than a locomotive. able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. yeah that sounds about right.
- January 09, 2007
-- Anonymous
This creature is bent, broken and what ever other term you can think of for a card that should never have been made. This card is a game changer.
- March 11, 2005
-- Anonymous
Anybody who thinks Morphling sucks needs to get across the table from one. Morphling can't be killed by anything short or Non-Targeted removal and/or Mass Removal, Untaps after kicking your ass, Becomes a 5/1 then pumps to a 0/x (Depending on how much mana you have) to live through blocking.
If you live when a Morphling is on the table it can only be two things. Either you have completly swarmed your opponent before the Morphling hit the table, or your opponent just totally sucks at Magic.
Morphling is the most efficient creature in Magic, PERIOD.
- November 22, 2004
-- tony g
i just cant believe nobody has anything to say about the best creature in magic i use three in every deck i build
and usually its my only kill but 99% of the time the morphling wins me the game the other 1% the opponent quits after i get my orims chant on the stick (isochron scepter)
- October 16, 2004
-- Alex
Best creature in magic, without a doubt
people just give up as soon as it hit play
- October 16, 2004
-- Alex
Best creature in magic, without a doubt
people just give up as soon as it hit play
- August 19, 2004
-- Kevin Liu
one of the best all around creatures in the game and perhaps the best creature in the game.
- July 12, 2004
-- Bob Hope
I love you morphling. you are my hero and my pride and joy. you helped me out in a pickle more than once and i want to give you a big hug.
- April 30, 2004
-- Anonymous
this card is very good, and cant be compared to many creatures. i can think of only a few, spiritmonger, masticore, psychatog. to much. you people cant take removal into effect when judging this, because removal can kill any creature. just because superman can be killed by a terror, dosen't mean that its worse than a serra avater, because that is also susecptable
- September 16, 2003
-- Richter
There's nothing like playing Morphling with the Moxes and Tolarian Accademy. Other creatures are so limited!
- February 11, 2003
-- Cyber Urza
Morphling has to be one of the best creatures around, color notwithstanding. I use him in my Horseshoe Crab pinger deck and he works out GREAT. Multiple abilities, plus with Hermetic Study and Psionic Gift, makes him VERY formidable in any deck you choose, particularly control. Add to the mix that he is not even a LEGEND!

Best creature, hands down!
- January 23, 2003
-- Anonymous
basically untargetable best creature in the game, best color in the game thats a fact
- January 12, 2003
-- Andy
Should have bought some when they were cheaper. I know in the future this will be worth over 100 dollars.
- November 06, 2002
-- Anonymous
Best blue creature ever. Five stars easy. Good in any format, sanctioned or unsanctioned (five color).
- October 19, 2002
-- Ben newton
player A:morphling

player B:I concede
- August 27, 2002
-- Anonymous
- August 06, 2002
-- Anonymous
one of the best creatures, not the best, best in blue, easily, definetly. Blue is powerful enough without giving it solid creatures like morphling. there is only two creaturesi would give 5 stars, morphling and masticore. Why are these cards so broken?
- July 14, 2002
-- Anonymous
What else can you say about superman he's got it all.
- July 13, 2002
-- Anonymous
rumor has it that the R&D was going to include the ability U:morphling makes your bed, but there wasnt enough room on he card.
- July 06, 2002
-- Morphling man
this card gets a 11 out 5. its the best creature card ever period. my 4 morphlings matched with hermetic study and overrun will kill anything
- May 05, 2002
-- ssvegeta
This card is the best creature ever!!!! And i mean ever to hit the print in magic! no other comments
- April 28, 2002
-- Evan
This creature is awesome. When you get this guy out, you win the game.
- April 20, 2002
-- Control Freak
Can you say he hits you lose.End of story.
- March 22, 2002
-- jolt88
its way too good. it is the best creature ever made, and can do almost anything. by the way, this can be used like horshoe crab, but who would want to when it can do so much more by itself?
- February 07, 2002
-- Ryan
this card was made to help the kickass deck by the name of turbo oath.that is the best way to use morphling
- November 21, 2001
-- Old Man
With morphling, i can play with stasis without any problem... and there are a lots of combo with this card... and just because it can untap with one mana blue.... I can also attack if a boost it and if the guy have a goblin deck or anything like that, my morphling can won flying... and.. if an opponent is not happy and want to terminate or terrorise my beautiful morphling, i can pay one mana and poufff Morphling survive.... mouhahahaha I like very much this card.... TIPS: If u have a blue deck... put Morphling in..
- July 13, 2001
-- Nicholas Schreck
Too Bad Morphling Exist. What was Wizards thinking???!!! It bad enough when WOTC made the game that had to make broken cards like Ancestrial Recall and Time Walk but now they come up with Morphling which is a God creature. I could understand if Morphilng was made in the early days of magic with all the other broken cards but this is like a blast from the past. Needless to say this creature gets 5 stars because of its inablity to die to anthing short of a wrath of God and its overwhelming buffness (aka 5 great activated abilities).
- June 26, 2001
-- Tim Destan
This creature is probably the best creature ever printed for control decks. If you have Morphling on the table, you can beat almost anything with enough mana. Morphling can be a 5/1 attacker one turn, a 0/6 blocker the next. When backed up with countermagic, it will end the game in 4 attack phases without a doubt. There is no reason to give Morphling anything less than 5 stars, as it has proved itself in every format from Type 1 to Extended to Type II (back when it was legal). A definite no-brainer for blue control decks, Survival decks, and Oath decks.
- June 13, 2001
-- Michael Arnold
Without a doubt, this is the best creature ever made. There is absolutely nothing Morph can't do, and no other card or effect can get in his way. No wonder he's called Superman.
- February 20, 2007
-- Kieran Hynes
Morphling is an expensive magic card. It is also hard to find.
- July 11, 2005
-- Anonymous
This card i a MUST in all cleab blue decks! It Rocks!!!!
- November 01, 2004
-- Nick
I do not personally endores this creature at all, but I will admit it would probably make any short list. I think it is horrendously powerful, but not as great as all the hype and buzz around it. It can be summed up in four words: Slow, inefficient and high-maintenence. Slow is for the fact it costs 5 to cast, inefficient is for the fact is is only a 3/3 for 5 mana, and high-maintenence is for the fact that its abilities must be fueled with turn-depleting mana to work. If you want this guy to be safe, you basically have to play him on turn 6 otherwise you'll have no mana open to make it untargetable, and then you'll play someone like me who'll incinerate it outta here. Great, but not GREAT
- February 07, 2003
-- Hunter
Here me out:It is an incredible card.It would be easy to kill if blue didn't get all of that powerful counter backup. But the incredible and unbalancing affect makes me rate this 1 less than a 5 star. I play MTG not to win, but win in a fun, creative way. Casting this and waggling Counterspells and winning isn't my idea of a fun time. Plus, he gets hyped because it is a blue card that serves as the kill for control decks. If it was any other color it wouldn't be valued at what it is. If it was white people would be loathe to touch it.
- February 22, 2010
-- Anonymous
This was one of the the best creatures in the game for a long time, but it just cant cut it anymore. We are in the age of Dark Confidant, Tarmogoyf, and Quasali Pridemage now: cheap creatures that can swing games with power, abilities, or both. Morphling will still show up in some MUC Legacy lists now and then, but is strictly inferior to Tezzeret in Vintage.
- October 30, 2004
-- Ben
This is probably one of the ten best creatures in Magic, I think. It's worse than Exalted Angel, but better than Spirit of the Night. It works great in mono-blue decks, behind sixteen or twenty counterspells, and equally that much bounce, removal and card drawing. However, this little man can't do much against a pumped piledriver or berserked tog. I'd rather have a grim lavamancer than one of these, and I could get 4 lavamancers for the same price as 1 morphling.
- November 05, 2003
-- Greg
I loathe blue, and I loathe Morphling (although I do realize it ranks among the top creatures in Magic) but there are several ways to kill a (several) Morphling(s). WoG, Pernicious Deed (which I use and prefer), Nevinyrral's Disk, etc. etc. so on and so forth. I've shut down my brother's Morphling/Counter deck with BoP's.
A good card though. Truely the best blue creature, but I'd rather have an Exalted than a Morphling. Remember it's all personal preference.
- October 29, 2002
-- Anonymous
this card is not as good as everyone says it is. I get rid of this card too easily. This card never once scared me when my opponent played it. normally when it attacked, I had ways of giving my creatures flying, and pumping them. or I just force them to sacrifice the creature. I'm not fond of the creature, but I'm not a big time blue player.
- October 08, 2002
-- Anonymous
Morphling is a great blue card probably the best blue creature but since some of the new kill cards have come out it makes him hard to stay alive if u run out of counters lets say u have just morph out and u only have 1 land left to make him untargetable if you use chainers edict or diabolic edict he will die no matter what because it is not targeting him but all in all i have to give wizzards credit for creating this card.
- August 10, 2010
-- You know who
It was good in its time, but that time has long since passed. This thing is pretty much irrelevant in today's MTG environment.
- April 23, 2004
-- Anonymous
it is ok but with 3 mana you can kill it
- April 03, 2004
-- Bob
Very over rated card and deffinetly easily taken care of if your a good player
- December 16, 2010
-- Anonymous
This card was good long ago and is fun in casual games, but its just bad competitively. It costs FIVE. Jace 2.0 costs 1 less and is much stronger, yet even it sees little Legacy play due to casting cost. In Vintage you can either pay 3UU for a 3/3 creature that sits there for a turn then hits for 5 or put Tezz into play, find Time Vault, and win next turn.
- January 14, 2010
-- Mark
A 3/3 for 5 mana is NOT the best creature in the game. It's not even good. So what if it has a bunch of other abilities? You have to spend more mana on each one, and none of them are powerful enough to really make a difference in the game. The only amazing thing about this card is how amazingly over rated and under useful it is.
- May 20, 2008
-- Adam Pingry
I give this one star simply because it is sooo overrated. 5 mana for a 3/3 even with so many useful abilities(that are also mana intensive) is not that great. Control decks may use this well, however I still think it is too slow and too underpowered to be worth anything close to what it is. Not a bad card, but not nearly as special as it's price would indicate. How many top-ranked type 1.5 decks use this?
- October 06, 2004
-- Charles Scourbys
The card is simply overrated. It was a great card until decree of justice was printed.
- February 10, 2003
-- Ben
Good solid creature. But I am rating the product, and I must say this product sucks. It doesn't come in foil, and they dont sell it in foreign. Also, it is not unbeatable like some of you make it out to be. I have run Control for about six months now in a Type 1 powered environment. He is easily killed or shut down. Another morphling shuts him down, an edict shuts him down, and Sacred Mesa mops the floor with him.
- October 11, 2002
-- Anonymous
IT SUCKS WHATS SO GOOD ABOUT IT ..... terror, WOG,Mutilate, and so many other cards can kill it.... not best creature at all i think it sucks and it overrated you people are just plain dumb.
9.59 $9.59
Near Mint
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