Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu - PR043 - Unbound Power Promo

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu PR043 Unbound Power Promo Unbound Power Collector s Tin
1.49 $1.49
Near Mint Single Card
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- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- August 04, 2010
-- Patrick Gauldin
This card is not only versitile but its requirements are not hard to meet at all, in addition the unnaffected by opponets card affects protects your from your opponets later game breaking jutsu. Definately worth using in lightning if your on a budget
- April 11, 2010
-- Patrick Dodds
There are many, many cards that deserve to be called terrible before this. It definitely deserves more than 1 star. The user gets +6/+6 and +6 mental power, as well as cannot be affected by any of your opponents effects. At 2 lightning, this is a good card. The fact that it is restricted to turn 3 or more does not make it a bad card. Is Chidori Stream bad because it needs a turn 4 ninja to use it? Are Mangekyo or Kamui bad because they require turn 5 or more ninja to use them?
- September 21, 2009
-- Andrew Baek
Terrible card. You cannot use this card until turn 3 or have a Jonin put in play at turn 4 or 5. For a lightning ninja, it can go as early as turn 1 or 2. Not a lot of Jonin ninjas with a lightning symbol.
1.49 $1.49
Near Mint Single Card
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