Cyndaquil - 56/111 - Common 1st Edition

Cyndaquil 56 111 Common 1st Edition Neo Genesis 1st Edition Singles
4.39 $4.39
Near Mint Pokemon 1st Edition Card
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Card TypePokémon - Basic
Hit Points40
pokemon energy
Retreat Cost1
pokemon energy
Leer - Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon can't attack Cyndaquil during your opponent's next turn. (Benching or evolving either Pokémon ends this effect.)
pokemon energy
pokemon energy
Swift 20 - This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Pokémon Powers, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.
SetNeo Genesis
ArtistKen Sugimori
DescriptionThe Neo world order is here. Introducing 60 new Pokémon and two new Energy types, Darkness and Metal, from the Game Boy® games. Baby Pokémon have been introduced into the Pokémon world that can evolve into strong Pokémon. This set introduced new game rules so be prepared!

Neo Genesis was the 8th expansion of the Pokémon TCG. It was released in December of 2000 and consisted of 111 cards total. Noteworthy cards from Neo Genesis include Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Meganium, Cleffa & Togepi.
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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4.39 $4.39
Near Mint Pokemon 1st Edition Card
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