Top 25 Best Selling Items in Sword & Shield: Vivid Voltage Singles

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Wailmer 031 185 Common
Currently out of stock.
Jolteon 047 185 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.39
Dusclops 070 185 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.21
Shedinja 066 185 Rare
Currently out of stock.
Lucario 120 185 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.35
Nessa 157 185 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.49
Samurott 035 185 Rare
12 in stock from $0.49
Quagsire 084 185 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.49
Rocky Helmet 159 185 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.49
Dedenne 077 185 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Zebstrika 054 185 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.21
Swellow 134 185 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.21
Banette 068 185 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.21
Exploud 137 185 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.21
Diancie 079 185 Holo Rare
20+ in stock from $0.35
Eelektross 059 185 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.35
Eevee 130 185 Common
20+ in stock from $0.21
Taillow 133 185 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Allister 146 185 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.35
Donphan 087 185 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.35
Charizard 025 185 Rare
Currently out of stock.
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