Top 25 Best Selling Items in Sword & Shield: Chilling Reign Singles

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Kecleon 122 198 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.21
Scorbunny 026 198 Common
20+ in stock from $0.15
Thwackey 017 198 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.25
Kakuna 002 198 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.25
Deerling 011 198 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Grookey 016 198 Common
20+ in stock from $0.15
Weezing 095 198 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.35
Hattrem 072 198 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.25
Hatenna 071 198 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Klara 145 198 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.23
Agatha 129 198 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.21
Cobalion 114 198 Holo Rare
6 in stock from $0.30
Crabrawler 084 198 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Thundurus 052 198 Holo Rare
20+ in stock from $0.35
Delibird 032 198 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Scolipede 107 198 Rare
20+ in stock from $0.35
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