Android: Netrunner LCG: Trace Amount Data Pack (FFG) FFGADN03

Android Netrunner LCG Trace Amount Data Pack FFG FFGADN03 Board Games A Z
19.99 $19.99
Near Mint Board Game
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Description“Good day, Ms. Jones. The address on the table is of a client who would like to unsubscribe. Standard cancellation. Nothing too noisy, please.”
– transcript from NBN security feed

Trace Amount enables players to dabble with bold new deck configurations. The game’s runners each gain a new event while each of the corporations looks to fund new operations. Among the Data Pack's sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty individual cards), you’ll also find new hardware, resources, icebreakers, ice, agendas, assets, and upgrades. Traces, tags, and links feature prominently.

As a part of the Genesis Cycle, Trace Amount reinforces the core mechanics and personalities of the game’s seven factions, all while allowing players greater means to narrow their focus and refine their strategies. Trace Amount is a perfect Data Pack for fans of bluffing as its many events and operations open new surprises and synergies, and prove in more than one way that a card in the hand is worth two or more actions on the table. And as one might expect, in a Data Pack all about bluffing and surprises, Jinteki features prominently, gaining a new identity.


This is not a stand-alone deck. An Android: Netrunner The Card Game core set is required to play.

*Description provided by the manufacturer
Dimensions5" H x 3" W x 1" D
Ship Weight0.26 pounds
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19.99 $19.99
Near Mint Board Game
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