Dawn of Empire: The Spanish-American Naval War in The Atlantic 1898 (Compass Games)

Dawn of Empire The Spanish American Naval War in The Atlantic 1898 Compass Games Compass Games
49.99 $49.99
Near Mint Board Game
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DescriptionDawn of Empire: The Spanish-American Naval War in The Atlantic 1898 (Compass Games) is an uncomplicated game centered on the naval aspects of the Spanish-American War of 1898 in the Atlantic Ocean. The game depicts this conflict at a strategic level, with most operational and tactical details represented by fast and easy-to-play systems, rather than intricate mechanisms. The intent of the game is to provide a broad overview of the historical events while being fun to play.
Dimensions11.85" H x 9.33" W x 2.4" D
Ship Weight3.12 pounds
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49.99 $49.99
Near Mint Board Game
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