Bios:Origins The Evolution of Consciousness 2nd Edition (Sierra Madre Games)

Bios Origins The Evolution of Consciousness 2nd Edition Sierra Madre Games Sierra Madre Games
64.99 $64.99
Near Mint Board Game
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DescriptionBios:Origins 2nd Edition is the 3rd and final game of the Bios Trilogy. In the game you will represent an intelligent species developing technologies, economics, politics, and consciousness. Bios:Origins include 2 maps. One traditional Earth map and one more empty Ocean map. New is a hexgrid, found on the back of the map board, for building custom maps. This can be used to create custom maps using the punch out hexes included in Bios:Origins or recreate the cratons from an end state of Bios:Megafauna (2nd Edition) if you are playing a trilogy campaign game.
Dimensions10" H x 10" W x 2.5" D
Ship Weight3.85 pounds
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64.99 $64.99
Near Mint Board Game
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