Blue Thunder T-45 - PTDN-EN038 - Common 1st Edition

Blue Thunder T 45 PTDN EN038 Common 1st Edition Phantom Darkness PTDN Singles
0.35 $0.35
Near Mint 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
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DescriptionPhantom Darkness was the 26th expansion of the Yugioh TCG. It was released in February of 2008 and consisted of 111 cards total. Noteworthy cards from Phantom Darkness include Dark Grepher, Rainbow Dark Dragon & The Dark Creator.

This set introduces a new “Dark” monsters series. Also featured in this set are cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! R, and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX animes. Released along with this set was the Phantom Darkness: Special Edition set.

Phantom Darkness consists of the following rarity breakdown:

48 Commons
20 Rares
12 Super Rares
10 Ultra Rares
10 Secret Rares
10 Ultimate Rares
1 Ghost Rare
Dimensions3.38" H x 2.31" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- May 11, 2008
This Card is so amazing. it has an awesome name. and besides that its ability cannot backfire on you. if you run a deck with enemy controllers, this card combined with enemy controller will eradicate your opponent. i highly recommend this card in any deck.
- March 14, 2008
-- whitescorpion
This card is amazing. it has won me many many games!
- February 15, 2008
-- Anonymous
Awesome card. Belongs in most Machines.

It's got a nice abilty like Hydrogeddon, accept it doesn't thin the deck. However, unlike Hydrogeddon , Blue Thunder doesn't need to destroy monsters and send them to the graveyard to get it's effect off. Killing a simple scapegoat token will activate Blue Thunder's effect.
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