Blue-Eyes White Dragon - SDK-001 - Ultra Rare 1st Edition

Blue Eyes White Dragon SDK 001 Ultra Rare 1st Edition Starter Deck Kaiba SDK 1st Edition Singles
849.99 $849.99
Near Mint 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $562.50 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

- 11 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityUltra Rare
DescriptionBlue-Eyes White Dragon - SDK-001 - Ultra Rare 1st Edition is a Yugioh Single Card from the Starter Deck: Kaiba [SDK] 1st Edition Singles Yugioh set. This is an Ultra Rare. Yugioh began back in the mid 90's as a weekly short in Shonen Jump by 1999 the TCG game had launched in Japan. Yugioh has gone on to become one of the top card games in the world and has now surpassed 20 years of competitive play worldwide. Additional Details: B0062DVMWE
Dimensions3.38" H x 2.31" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- April 18, 2016
-- Nick Verified Buyer
Extremely pleased with this card, takes me back to when I was a kid.
- July 20, 2010
-- randall h.
Man I wish I had this card ,I have 2 right now I want to get my third and then blue eyes ultimate and the three egyption gods and then I will be unstoppable ah ha ha ha!
- July 13, 2010
-- Anonymous
i had the money and when i got on to buy this they sold out that fast
- March 16, 2013
-- Seto
This is the ultimate monster. I highly recommend this card to anyone to make use of to defeat their rivals.
- May 30, 2011
-- Austin
i have won thousands of duels with this card. i reccomend any card collectors to get this card.
- July 03, 2010
-- Anonymous
i was so close to getting this right when i had the money to get it the unplayed ones sold out lol for now im stuck with my wrinkled version safley inside a photo frame one day ill get this one lol
- June 26, 2010
-- Anonymous
i hope they get more in stock in time when i can buy some of these the one i have is so bad in shape i put it in a picture frame if it was origanly mine it would look like new but sadly i got it by hand me down this ones the classic but i want to get all versions eventualy
- April 27, 2010
-- troy lydens
Love this card have many memories from when i was a kid with this. i still fill the same about this card is just the best its a huge beatstick and with the white stone he is easy to search and with darkness metal he comes out easy or with swing of memories or birthright. he is just a all around amazing card i have 3 copies of this artwork in my deck.
- April 11, 2010
-- bass
not true banta i use 3 of him in my hopeless dragon deck, with swing of memories or silent doom+ burst stream of destruction this card is an absolute beast, and thats without red eyes darkness metal dragon working its magic.
i recommend this card.
- March 01, 2010
-- Joshua Banta
This is the original bad boy. I know he's not the easiest to play, but for any beginner he's special, for any collector this is the best looking, for the old school players he's the beast. I really hope this site can get more, I want 3 to put in a frame.
- February 27, 2010
-- Joshua Banta
I know not a lot of people like this card, my advantage to getting them, but get more, I want 3 for a picture frame I have lol.
849.99 $849.99
Near Mint 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $562.50 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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