Light Effigy - TAEV-EN037 - Common 1st Edition

Light Effigy TAEV EN037 Common 1st Edition Tactical Evolution TAEV 1st Edition Singles
$0.59 0.49 $0.49
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Near Mint 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
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Sell to Us $0.08 *

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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionTactical Evolution was the 24th expansion of the Yugioh TCG. It was released in August of 2007 and consisted of 105 cards total. Noteworthy cards from Tactical Evolution include Elemental Hero Darkbright, Neo Space Pathfinder & Rainbow Dragon.

This set introduces the Ghost Rare card type to TCG. “Venom” cards appear in this set along with “Alien”, “Elemental Hero”, “Neo-Spacian”, and “Cyberdark” cards. Released along with this set was the Tactical Evolution: Special Edition set.

Tactical Evolution consists of the following rarity breakdown:

48 Commons
18 Rares
9 Super Rares
5 Ultra Rares
10 Secret Rares
14 Ultimate Rares
1 Ghost Rare
Dimensions3.38" H x 2.31" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- March 06, 2011
-- 3Ms
Decent card for a neos deck. Can be summoned with nova summoner on opponent's turn, and then tributed for neos on yours.
- February 28, 2010
-- Joshua Banta
Great for tribute, in fact very very good for that purpose, but you have to protect it to use it, no def at all means only putting it in attack position, and 1500 attack isn't much. Use your head and protect it, and you it will reward you, same as the other elemental eff's.
$0.59 0.49 $0.49
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Near Mint 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $0.08 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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