4 Random Yugioh Booster Packs (Yugioh)

4 Random Yugioh Booster Packs Yugioh Yu Gi Oh Lots Bundles
9.99 $9.99
Yugioh Lot
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- 78 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Booster Lot
Description This lot includes four random Yugioh booster packs! A great and cost effective way to boost any collection! Order yours today before they are gone!

Disclaimer: Pack lots may have duplication.
Dimensions 3.375" H x 2.313" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.11 pounds
Near-Mint English Pokemon Card
of 8
- March 31, 2015
-- Sebastian Verified Buyer
I got some good pulls but it was only 4 packs, and I bought 6, New Challengers, Battle Pack 1, Secrets Of Eternity, and Crimson Crisis. Not random but still pretty good sets
- March 06, 2015
-- Yuya Sakaki
This product is a great value, if you are looking to get some good cards from random sets this is one of the best deals online so if you are looking to buy random packs in lots I would always look to this bundle. If you want to buy a lot of cards you can always buy these. They always give you awesome packs. :D KEEP THIS GOING T&T
- April 04, 2012
-- Anonymous
This was such a good deal. I got a storm of ragnarok, extreme victory, gladiators assault, and a bonds beyond time movie pack. I pulled a maxx c and a tour guide. Got my money back plus a ton more. Totally recommend people to buy this.
- December 31, 2011
-- Phoenix
Only bought a single order, but I wish I would've bought more! Incredibly good value, plus it's very fun if you're a gambler; you don't know what you're going to get. I ended up receiving Duelest Pack Jaden Yuki 2, Storm of Ragnarok, Crossroads of Chaos, and, my favorite, a Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack. Very nice!
- November 16, 2011
-- Bobby Bevilacqua
Amazing Deal, bought 12 packs and received multiple holos, including an ultimate rare black rose dragon. these are not scaled packs and i highly recommend buying this product
- October 20, 2011
-- Anonymous
I got 24 packs and got 5 ultra-rares.
- October 13, 2011
-- Anonymous
I got a super alius and a rare veiler :D
- September 29, 2011
-- Klymenos
Very good deal if you're just getting into Yu-gi-oh, or if you're a serious collector/player. I bought 30 bundles so that I'll always have new packs to give away as prizes in my store, and the Troll and Toad price is cheaper than the distributors that I normally go through!

Out of the 120 packs I received the following:

Rise of Destiny x13
Ancient Prophecy x4
Power of the Duelist x15
Crossroads of Chaos x18
Storm of Ragnarock x15
The Lost Millennium x8
Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 2 x13
Duelist Pack Yusei 3 x13
Cyberdark Impact x21

I haven't opened any of them, but with odds like that there's bound to be a few very rare cards.
- September 29, 2011
-- Anonymous
Great deal for whoever is trying to expand their collection and loves opening packs. I baught 13 bundles (52 packs) pulled 18 holos including 4 ultis (including an odin) 1 secret 2 ultras (including a black rose dragon) and 11 other decent supers. They do not scale their packs and was alot of fun. Buying another 10 bundles. A+++
- September 28, 2011
-- Olivia Dunlap
The packs were shipped well, and though there were a couple duplicate packs and cards, that's just the luck of the draw. This is still a very good deal, and comes recommended.
- September 11, 2011
-- Tyler Miller
I bought two of these for a total of 8 packs. I got two duelist pack yusei 3s, two crossroads of chaos, one rise of destiny, one duelist pack jaden yuki 2, one storm of ragnarok, and one cyberdark impact. In all that i got a holo The Creator, a holo Dragon knight Draco-Equiste, a holo Cyberdark Horn, and a secret rare Treacherous Trap Hole. I will definitely buy again.
- August 25, 2011
-- Anonymous
This is an amazing product very cheap and i bought 12 packs total and got all holos except 2!!! it was awesome
- August 20, 2011
-- Laddie
my brother bought ten of these i was stunned wen i saw he got a hidden arsenal pack which he pulled mist wurm ou of that.other than that he goot 7 supers 2 ultras and 2 ultimaes one of which was black wing dragon
- August 14, 2011
-- Anonymous
Bought 2 sets of 4, got a nice selection, only 1 duelist pack and I pulled an ultimate black rose dragon. Can't complain for only $10.
- August 09, 2011
-- Jose Lopez
awesome i bought 4 orders and got really good pulls including a black rose :) great deal
- July 15, 2011
-- Anonymous
Nice!!! Got 6 holos out of four sets. Got 4 Yusei 3, 2 crow, 3 FOTB, 1RDS, 1DCR, 1MRD, 1 TSHD, 1 POTD, and 2 CSOC. Best pull was ulti Sapphire Pegasus.
- July 01, 2011
-- Zakary
I got very nice packs! Out of 20 packs, I only got about 3 Duelist packs (all Yusei). I pulled a few good cards, the best being Overdrive Teleporter. I also got one LOB pack, I couldn't believe it! No good pulls, but it was amazing pulling some old cards! No wonder LOB boxes are $300!
- June 02, 2011
-- Jamie
Bought 12 packs total, pulled 7 holos, including 2 ultras and a secret.
- May 24, 2011
-- Casey W
got amzing pulls out of the packs :D
- May 15, 2011
-- Anonymous
Great!!! Ordered 4

My Pulls: Seven Tools of the Bandit (Ultra Rare) MRD - Brings me back to the good old days
Power Frame (Super Rare)
Bri Synchron (Ultra Rare)
Synchro Material (Super Rare)
Mirror Gate (Super Rare)

Very Pleased!! Thank you!!
- April 27, 2011
-- hao lam
This is the best deal on earth. Walmart sell packs for 3-4 dollars. Trollandtoad sell these at 1.5 dollars each. WOW I BOUGHT 8 PACKS, and got 8 super rares from premium packs, ultimate rares such as Crusader of Endymion, Dragon Master Knight. I LOVE TROLLANDTOAD FOREVER AND GOD TOO :).
- April 23, 2011
-- Anonymous
Very good deal! I bought 2 sets of this and got 8 packs! The packs were Duelist Pack: Yusei 3, The Shining Darkness, Cyberdark Impact, and the Ancient Prophecy. Packs weren't too great, but it's always fun to open packs! Pulled a Wattgiraffe too! Definitely considering doing this again.
- April 21, 2011
-- Ryan Araujo
ordered 1 got duelist pack yesei 3, rise of destiny, stardust overdrive, and shining darkness. First thing out of the stardust overdrive was a dark simorgh. so that 30$ dollar card made up for my entire order. =)
- April 21, 2011
-- mike
its a good value. i got 1 of these which was 4 packs i got 1x ancient prophecy, 1x cybernetic impact, 1x yusi3, 1x stardust overdrive.

what i got out of them all was
metabo shark super
miraculous rebirth ultimate
- April 01, 2011
-- Rob
I got all different boosters, plus they were super cheap!
- February 02, 2011
-- Anonymous
i got 4 packs were duelist genesis anicent prochecy and other stuff
and i pulled ghost stardust dragon and 1 elementa hero gaia thanks troallandtoad
- October 29, 2010
-- jake
i bought 4 sets so a total of 20 boosters.
i got 4 different packs all together times 5. so got lots of mulitple packs.
pulled a couple ultimate rares. atleast 5-7 foil cards.
a very good deal
- October 23, 2010
-- jake
i ordered 5 of these today so a total of 20 random packs. it's an awesome deal
i'm hoping for something great so i'll write another review when i get it
- September 03, 2010
-- Gilles
I bought 10 of these and half the packs were duelist packs. I got 1 secret, 2 ultras and a couple supers. Good product for the price.
- August 26, 2010
-- Anonymous
I ordered 5 of these so I got 20 booster packs. I did get random stuff. 1 CSOC 3 CDIP 3 TDGS 1 STON 2 SOI 3 Jaden Yuki 3 1 Jesse Anderson 1 Zane 1 POTD 1 FOTB 2 ANPR and another pack I forget. But it was all random for me pretty much and i got 1 ultra and 4 supers cheap for good stuff
- August 25, 2010
-- Grant
The product is very good. I bought 4 sets, which meant 16 booster packs for the price of 3 from a store. Sadly, my luck was terrible, I got all commons and rares from all 16 packs with the exception of one Ultimate Rare Montage Dragon. I am planing on buying this again.
- July 30, 2010
-- Anonymous
This is AWESOME! I got 6 Duelist Genesis, 6 CyberDark Impact, 6 Strike of Neos, and 6 Aster Phoenix. Got a Ultra Secret Rare, Parallel Rare, and some other cards. TY TrollandToad!
- July 15, 2010
-- Josh F.
Got some nice pulls. Definitely buying again!
- June 19, 2010
-- Winston Wright
This is awesome! Except that they were all duelist packs, 4 packs for this price is amazing.
- May 28, 2010
-- Michael
I ordered 4 packs of 4, and all packs of 4 had the same combination of booster packs. Still, at less than a dollar per pack, it's an extremely good deal. I also pulled a Vayu, so I'm pretty happy about that. I'm definitely going to order more as soon as i get some more money.
- May 11, 2010
-- mark weyer
got Chazz Princeton, Yusei 2, cyberdark impact, and ancient prophecy.

Not bad for what I paid. I even pulled a Junk Archer which made this well worth it.
- May 01, 2010
-- Alex
4X Cyber Dark Impact 4X Duelist Pack Yusei 4X Duelist Pack 4X Duelist Pack Chazz.
Great price for the packs, each one came with each of the aforementioned cards.
From 16 packs I pulled three super rares, one ultra and one secrect. If they were scaled then whoever did it, failed.

It's 3 dollars for 4 packs, this is awesome.
Best pull, XX-Saber Gardestrike. It wasn't Vayu, but I'll get over it.

Admin Edit: Trollandtoad.com never searches packs, weighs product for foils/ultimates. They didn't seemed scaled because they weren't and never will be.
- May 01, 2010
-- kevin manning
WOW! The price dropped by over a dollar Since i last ordered! DEFINITLEY going to Purchase at LEAST 50 orders next time i get some cash!
- April 27, 2010
-- Mustafa Altļæ½rk
Bought 10 of this packs and got 10 ANPR + 10 Cyberdark Impackt + 10 Duelist pack Jaden Yuki 2 + 10 Duelist Pack Aster Phoenix. Pulled 1 elemental hero Gaia and 2 Burial from D.D. Not Bad :)
- April 26, 2010
-- mike le
Whats Up Suppa Cheap Yugioh Boosters?!?!
- March 31, 2010
-- kevin manning
Awesome Deal! i ordered 20 of these and received 80 Packs of cards! mostly they where ancient prophecy and duelist genesis but those where the packs i wanted most! Definatley will buy some of these every time i order! i pulled 2 vayu's in a row! THANK YOU TROLLANDTOAD!
- March 02, 2013
-- Justin
Bought just one lot, pulled two supers, one of which I actually needed, this was a great deal, will buy again!
- July 08, 2012
-- Dacryo
The cards I managed to pull from this were fairly good from what I could tell, though it had been years since I had last played Yu-Gi-Oh. However, after I started opening the packs, upon a closer look, I noticed something that slightly disappointed me. I ordered four sets of four packs, so that's sixteen packs in all. In each set, the four packs were different, but they were the same for each set. The packs were Duelist Pack Yusei 2, Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm Invasion, Cyberdark Impact, and Power of the Duelist. I rate this four stars, because the deal is very good. However, I can't give it five stars, as getting the same packs in each set is rather disappointing. I expected some duplicates, but not all four times. This is still a good deal from a good site, and I will probably end up ordering this again.
- April 20, 2012
-- Mario
A very good deal you're getting here, folks! My only complaint was the fact that every pack-of-4 came with the same variation of packs. Very similar to the Anon from Bloomfield, NJ USA on April 11, 2012 , the packs contained 1 DP: Jayden Yuki 2, 1 DP: Aster Phoenix, 1 Rise of Destiny, and 1 Storm of Ragnarok. Very nice pull ration on the packs, so they clearly aren't scaled. Out of the 20 packs I got I pulled 1 Ultra(Shi-En), 1 Ultimate(Atomic Scrap Dragon), a couple of supers(the only good one being Divine Wrath & a SS Kizan). Very nice lot, would recommend to anyone, would like to see more next time I order these, though.
- March 28, 2012
-- Yahmnselah Tafari
To be honest this is probably one of their better deals, however I give it 4 stars because in total I've ordered 5 of these and I always got Jaden Yusei and Rise of Destiny packs, it just seems that with so many different packs, that I would see the same packs so often. Other than that it's a great buy, I've pulled some pretty good cards, (Ultra Mystic Swordsman LV 6 in specific :D)
- August 30, 2011
-- Brendan
I bought 6 sets (24 packs) of this product and the pack break down was:
6 Cyberdark Impact
4 Duelist Pack Yusei 3
4 Power of the Duelist
5 Crossroads of Chaos
5 Force of the Breaker
which was slightly disappointing for me, but my pulls more then made up for it; I got:
In total 13 Holos including SIX ultimates and a rare effect veiler on top of that.. While the variety of the packs may not be the best, be assured that they are most definitely not searched.
- August 25, 2011
-- Devontae Barnett
Bought 10 packs of these and I have to say that there were multiple but I got a wide range of series from the GX, 5Ds, and The Original YuGiOh days a must buy if you're a collector or a seller. The booster packs I got were:

4 1st Edition CyberDark Impact
7 Crossroads Of Chaos
8 1st Edition Duelist Pack: Yusei 3
8 Power Of The Duelist
9 1st Edition Force Of The Breaker
1 The Shining Darkness
1 Metal Raiders
1 1st Edition The Lost Millennium

I'll definitely be purchasing my cards from here now on.
- August 01, 2011
-- David
This actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I ordered three of these and received twelve packs: 1 Legend of Blue Eyes, 1 Metal Raiders, 1 Pharaoh's Servant, 1 Power of the Duelist, 1 Force of the breaker, 2 Cyberdark Impact, 2 Crossroads of Chaos, 1 The Shining Darkness, and 2 Duelist pack Yusei 3. I pulled 2 ultra rares and 2 super rares. Seeing a Thousand Eyes Restrict again was nostalgic. Nothing really that I could use, but it was as entertaining opening packs
- May 05, 2011
-- Anonymous
I would love to order like 20 of these but I cant because of the restricion to only th us. But it is still a great deal.
- March 23, 2011
-- Shaun D.
Bought a total of 40 packs, ended up getting:

5 shining Darkness
10 Rise of Destiny
10 Premium Packs
9 Cyberdark Impact
6 Power of the Duelist

Got a few alright cards, nothing that paid for the boosters outright, but I've just started playing again and I need a good collection for deck building.
- March 02, 2011
-- Anonymous
First thought. Scaled. Cyberdark pack. and Power of the Duelist. got nothing. Opened the shining darkness(surprised to get it in this set) and pulled an ultra breeze!
- February 10, 2011
-- Andrew
first of all great deal in terms of price. I bought 5 sets, 20 packs. Got 5 different packs all together. 5 DP Jaden Yuki 2. 3 Rise of Destiny. 6 Invasion of Chaos. 5 Cyberdark Impact. And 1 Power of the Duelist. So not so random, but still great price. This deal is intended for T&T to get rid of Packs not selling, and to attract customers with its price. All I say is, take advantage of capitalism.
- October 26, 2010
-- Marissa Callahan
Very good, I only got one Duelist Pack (Aster Phoenix). Otherwise I got Cyberdark Impact (meh), Rise of Destiny (pulled an Ultimate from this one), and Strike of Neos where I got a Gene-Warped Warwolf (awesome). All were 1st edition too, save for STON. Great deal in the end, I'd say.
- September 15, 2010
-- Alex
Its a good deal, don't get me wrong, but I ordered 5 and they all came with the same packs- cyberdark impact, duelist genesis (best pack), and yuki2 and aster pheonix duelists packs. Woulda loved more variety but will buy again. Best cards were Ultra Card Trooper and Destiny Hero Malicious Allure Queen LV 7. the rest was ok.
- August 13, 2010
-- Lucas J.
hmm...kinda random. Not the way you are thinking. When you grab some, chances are all packs will be the same. However, they are "random" from time to time. What I mean is that the packs in your order will probably be the same. But, order a second time, and they will be different. Good to purchase roughly once a month to get a good variety.
- July 26, 2010
-- Ryan
Great deal for the price. I got the same 4 packs (DP Chazz, DP Zane, DP Aster, and Cyberdark Impact) in all of them, but I ordered 8 and it said expect duplication. Shipping was fast, as usual. Great site to buy stuff from and this deal is worth the money by far, but do expect duplication if you order more than 2-3 I'd think.
- July 21, 2010
-- Seth Suresh
It was alright. I ordered 2 of these and got the same packs in both of them. 2 DP Zane. 2 DP Aster. 2 DP Chazz. 2 Cyberdark Impact. I guess they had too many of these. But I did however pull a Cyberdark Dragon, Cyber Twin Dragon, D Hero- Dreadmaster, and a few other things. I just hoped to get things that were more valuable.
- July 19, 2010
-- devil
I guess i just got duelist packs and not of the other ones.
- April 29, 2010
-- Yuj Vang
It's pretty good for the price. i bought 11 packs and got all ancient prophecy,cyber whatever, yuki2,aster something. i only pulled 2 ultimate, 2 ultra, and like 8 supers. everything else were rares. the best cards where card trooper and blackwing vayu ultimate rare. spent 36 bucks to get 44 packs. not bad
- April 11, 2012
-- Anonymous
It was alright .. i got 20 packs altogether and the packs were 4 Rise of Destiny, 4 Duelist Pack Aster Phoenix, 4 Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 2, and 4 Power of the Duelist. i only pulled 2 supers and an ultimate . they arent scaled but i want more variety next time.
- March 02, 2012
-- Sise
i got the same variations for the this item, a good deal but sometimes its not worth it
- May 31, 2011
-- Cory
There was no variation in the packs that I received at all, it was just the exact same 4 packs in every set of four. I bought 4 sets, and only got booster packs of 4 types. I forgot what they were but if you want to get a good Variety of booster backs, you'll have to buy individual packs. Like I said, I just got 4 sets of the same 4 packs.... however you can't beat the price of 4 packs for $5.
- March 12, 2011
-- Anonymous
i ordered got 2 RDS 1 CDIP 1 PP01 sort of cool because i pulled a the creator and a cyberdark keel
the creators only come in 1 0ut of every 24 packs so i consider myself lucky
- February 21, 2011
-- eric
severly disappointed wanted duelist pack chazz princeton but got a bunch of metal raiders crap
- February 13, 2011
-- Anonymous
I got some great packs and holos from this
- January 24, 2011
-- Cody
It was pretty good, got some nice packs, the packs where cheap, but out of my 14 I ordered, 5 of them had double Cyberdark Impact in them. I wasn't too happy about that, anyways this is okay.
- January 06, 2011
-- Russell Viner
This is alright, not great. I got one of these, mostly just for the novelty. The packs were:
2x Cyberdark Impact
1x Invasion of Chaos
1x Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 2

The first three were what I expected, nine-card packs with 8 commons and 1 rare. The third pack, however, only had six cards, and one of the cards was a 'Strategy Card', which is very ugly in black and white and gives you 'tips' on how to play, instead of being an actual card. Apparently all of the Duelist Packs are like this. I would much prefer to just buy some of the 99 cent packs, rather than risk getting multiple Duelist Packs in a single order.
- November 24, 2010
-- Kevin
T&T should start naming this 4 pre-selected Yugioh packs. I ordered 3 sets of these and every set was composed of Strike of Neos, Rise of Destiny, Duelist Pack: Aster Phoenix, and Cyberdark Impact. The rares themselves weren't as good as I hoped they would be, only 3 foils out of 12 packs. Don't get me wrong though; the price of is still great for 4 booster packs, even if they are from overstock and not packs from 'not-so-hot' sets. If you're looking for booster packs to boost deck power, I don't recommend getting this because you don't know what you're gonna get and if you happen to be like me, the packs you get probably won't be from sets containing high-profile cards. However, if you have a few bucks to spend and are just looking for some cards to expand your collection, this is a recommended product. Order in smaller quantities if you don't want a lot of the same 4 packs because duplication WILL OCCUR.

Finally: Will be looking forward to buying some more of these, but maybe not too soon. Give T&T some time and they might change the packs available in this lot to more desirable ones.
- October 24, 2010
-- jakejake
I just bought 5 orders of the 4 booster set so a total of 20 booster packs.
it's really a good deal just hope i get some nice cards out of it.
I been telling my friends and i'm pretty sure depending on what i get their gonna buy this too.
- October 21, 2010
-- Anonymous
Bought another 4 packs of these got: strike of neos, rise to destiny, aster pheonix, and cyberdark. Only good card I pulled from it was 1 super rare "Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer". Doesn't give you the best chance of getting super and ultra rares but for the price, I guess its not too bad.
- October 07, 2010
-- Anonymous
anyone know whats the possibility of getting crossroads of chaos packs from these things?
- September 23, 2010
-- Rafael
I got 10 sets of this and i got 10 each of Jaden Yuki 2, Duelist Genisis, CyberDark Impact, and Aster phoenix. ThoughtRuler Archfeind was my first pull and got The Tricky as the additional rare! I was really lucky for that!:) But that was the best pack by far unfortunately. This is definately forth the price, less than a dollar a pack essentially is more than worth it. I'm planning to buy more with my next pay check!
- June 24, 2010
-- Chris Campbell
Decided to nab three of these; got the same four packs in all three:
Chazz Princeton pack
Zane Truesdale Pack
Aster Phoenix Pack
Cyberdark Impact
- April 29, 2010
-- Nicholas Freda
In fairness, nothing about the product was deceiving. I ordered 20 sets of 4, for a tournament setting, and was severely disappointed. 20 packs each of Aster Phoenix, Jaden Yuki 2, Cyberdark Impact 1/e, and Ancient Prophecy. A previous poster mentioned getting packs like Duelist Genesis, much more valuable than these.

The only complaint I really have is that two of the packs were Duelist Packs. For what I paid, I would hope that I got at least 50% packs that can be used in the metagame.

However, good pulls are possible, including Ultimates.
- November 18, 2010
-- Anonymous
Bought three of these its a good price but all three i got the same packs 3 Duelist Genesis, 4 DP Jaden Yuki, and another 5 packs, worth but i suggest only getting one of these.
- October 05, 2010
-- Anonymous
Got like 4 Packs of these, Didn't get nothing much. Only one super rare trap card. And the rest were just regular rares, not sure if scaled or if just bad luck. Will try again some other time....
- February 14, 2011
-- xinspacehuang
totally not worth it
- January 15, 2011
-- fred
my cousin and i bought $70 worth of packs and we only got old packs... the only good card we got was a 1st edition card trooper... its not worth $70 bucks... this was an ultimate fail...
9.99 $9.99
Yugioh Lot
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