The Winged Dragon of Ra - DOD-001 - Secret Rare

The Winged Dragon of Ra DOD 001 Secret Rare Yu Gi Oh Promo Cards
37.29 $37.29
Near Mint English Yugioh Card
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Rarity Secret Rare
Description The Winged Dragon of Ra - DOD-001 - Secret Rare is a Yugioh Promo Card (no edition) card from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Promo Cards Yugioh set. This is a Secret Rare. Yugioh began back in the mid 90's as a weekly short in Shonen Jump by 1999 the TCG game had launched in Japan. Yugioh has gone on to become one of the top card games in the world and has now surpassed 20 years of competitive play worldwide. Additional Details: B000XBFU4M
Dimensions 3.38" H x 2.31" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- July 18, 2010
-- Anonymous
this is one of the best gods but you know their illegal to use but they do have legal ones all but slifer and ras only in japanese right now but they'll be here soon i got obovlisk
- June 03, 2010
-- C�sar Herrera
I want this Secret Rare for my collection. Restock please!
- October 05, 2009
-- dum dum
Im sorry for the people who said they can beat the god cards.....but as u can see im trying to make a strategies to summon all the gods out....and tribute ra and slifer to obelisk to make his ATK infinity and to be known as UNDEFEATABLE! If ya use magic cylindar ... ill make the opposite of decreasing the life!!!! Nyahahahahahahahaha!!!!
- April 18, 2009
-- Anonymous
This was a very nice card. My favorite card.It also had a modest price
- April 05, 2009
-- Luke
This card is raw awesomeness! BTW, does anyone know what DOD stands for?
- December 19, 2008
The best ever. Unaffected by spell and traps. Can take ur life pts to increase its attack and original attack is all monsters' attack combined used to special summon it. You can also pay 2000 pts to destroy all cards on the field except this. Gold back. Perfect in a DIVINE deck.
- July 27, 2008
-- Anonymous
this is the very best card in the entire game and i should know since i have it and i beat so many ppl wit it
- April 24, 2008
-- Anonymous
strongest of all egyptain god cards
- July 01, 2007
-- boyse
his special summon ability says "when you special summon Winged dragon of ra, pay any amount of life points. his attack and defense become equal to that number." winged dragon of ra cannot be destroyed during battle, and you take no damage.
- May 19, 2006
-- Anonymous
This card rocks! I totaly wooped people with this thing u can't get better than this.
- June 14, 2009
-- Michael Day
Although not legal, it's still great for collectors like myself, and, the value on this are going up. DOD stands for Dawn of Destiny btw.
- September 13, 2006
-- Anonymous
The third and final of the Egyptian God Monsters. Like the other two, this card is not legal in official play. However, in casual games, not much can beat it. It is the strongest God Card, and arguably the strongest card in the game. Its effects are:
1. Can't be targeted by Spell, Trap, and Monster effects.
2. 3 tributes to Tribute Summon, destroyed during End Phase of turn its Special Summoned.
3. Original ATK and DEF equals the combined ATK and DEF of tributes.
4. When Special Summoned, you may either pay 1000 Life Points to Destroy and remove from play a card on the field, OR pay all but 1 Life point and increase Ra's ATK and DEF by an equal Amount.
- January 26, 2010
-- Kite_Tri-Edge
Ok...I have all three egyptian god cards..honestly, i can beat them all. ESPECIALLY WITH OBELISK GETTING INFINTE ATTACK POWER!!! I swear, if anyone goes on about that anymore, im going on a shooting rampage. I use mainly fairy monsters, so life gain is simple. With obelisk's 'infinite' attack power, i can simply use draining shield. It doesn't target obelisk, so therefore, it works. I even have the Obelisk reprint, and it doesn't say a damn thing about 'INFINITE ATTACK POWER' or anything like that. Just by having watched the show and played the card game, you can easily see that THE CARDS DON'T WORK LIKE IN THE SHOW OR THE MOVIE(S)!!!!!! Ra is a good card, but Obelisk is my favorite. I just like him the best, no other reason really. And as was said about reversing magic cylinder, use RING OF DEFENSE!!! Whenever a trap card is activated that deals effect damage, ring of defense reduces it to 0. There's really no other way of reversing it or anything.
- December 30, 2007
-- Anonymous
may not be used in duels.everyone should know that.
- September 04, 2007
-- Anonymous
"This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Ra's ATK and DEF are equal to the total ATK and DEF of all 3 monstes sacrificed to summon it. Reduce your life points by 1000 to destroy any monster on the field. Pay any amount of Life Points and increase Ra's ATK and DEF by the amount of Life Points paid."

I think Ra is the second best next to Slifer. Obelisk is the worst.

Also, I believe all God cards are uneffected by trap cards, if I remember right.
- September 08, 2010
-- A
God cards are not the strongest as most of the people say the cant even be used in a duel.Their only positive side is that they are... well god cards.Nothing special
- June 16, 2009
-- Nightshade
wish people will stop saying the god cards are undefeatable. im running a spellcaster deck with dark magician as my main card. without him my deck is useless. I always wind up beating all three gods. i will admit ra is a real P.I.T.A to get rid of, i usually cant kill him even with my cybernetic's effect. so i just make my opponent run out of cards to draw or suck their life poitns away with dark eradicator warlock. as long as i have a magicians valkyria in def mode, 2 mist bodies on her, and a dark eradicator warlock and cybernetic magician on the field, im near guarenteed victory. just remember people, gods are killable. Im a traditional player usually but for fun ill play people who dont know what forbidden cards are. thats when the money roles in ;)
- April 26, 2006
-- Anonymous
This card is not exactly the best card to pack. If you watch the tv series, you know what Ra does. SAcarfice 3 monsters, add their attack and defense, bam, you have Ra. The bad news is, this card is not legally recognized in tournaments, ect. Overall, worth bragging about to your friends, nothing else.
37.29 $37.29
Near Mint English Yugioh Card
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Troll Rankings
#97,886 on Troll and Toad
#37,215 in YuGiOh
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