Thunder King Rai-Oh - YG02-EN001 - Secret Rare

Thunder King Rai Oh YG02 EN001 Secret Rare Yu Gi Oh Promo Cards
40.59 $40.59
Near Mint English Yugioh Card
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- 12 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RaritySecret Rare
DescriptionThunder King Rai-Oh - YG02-EN001 - Secret Rare is a Yugioh Promo Card (no edition) card from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Promo Cards Yugioh set. This is a Secret Rare. Yugioh began back in the mid 90's as a weekly short in Shonen Jump by 1999 the TCG game had launched in Japan. Yugioh has gone on to become one of the top card games in the world and has now surpassed 20 years of competitive play worldwide. Additional Details: B0028WKHWO
Dimensions3.38" H x 2.31" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- September 28, 2011
-- Apple
Good effect, good stats, good attribute. All-round really awesome, I'd say it's nearly a staple if you use light monsters and can deal with him being a thunder-type.
- July 14, 2011
-- Jose
a MUST have for anti-meta deck
- May 22, 2011
-- mihajlo Mitic
This card is quite broken.Locks/Kills:Glads,X Sabers,Plants,and stops Shi En,Stardust,Swap Frog,Treeborn,Malicious,Kizan,Kageki,Black Rose,Catastor,,Brionac,Trishula etc.
- May 17, 2011
-- Anonymous
Anti-Meta deck`s one of the best cards ever!Glads don`t stand a chance.Neither do Sabers.
- April 24, 2011
-- mihajlo
Stops Special Summon.Awesome!
- November 22, 2010
-- Fred McNuggets
Can be bad cause he cant negate specials from other cards effects but he is a boss right now cause quickdraw/debris-hime is teir 1 so 5*
- September 18, 2010
-- Ashamed
This does nothing to Glad. Beasts, in fact many Glad Beasts run him because they use very little Deck-to-Hand search and it stops search cards in other popular decks like Blackwhirlwind.
- June 09, 2010
-- Iconic X
card can hurt glad beasts
- February 24, 2010
-- S.Yong
Best card for anti meta !

p.s MARIUS OWNED !!!!!
- November 04, 2009
Awesome card. Gotta have a playset :)
- October 31, 2009
-- Vinko Hajdinjak
One of my favourite cards and a staple in anti meta decks
- May 26, 2009
-- joe roberts
this card is awessssooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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