5D's Starter Deck: Duelist Toolbox [includes Junk Destroyer UR] [5DS3] (Yugioh)

5D s Starter Deck Duelist Toolbox includes Junk Destroyer UR 5DS3 Yugioh Yu Gi Oh Sealed Product
24.95 $24.95
1st Edition Yugioh Structure Starter Deck
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- 5 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionDuelist Toolbox Starter Deck
Dimensions6.25" H x 3.75" W x 1.25" D
Ship Weight0.284 pounds
No Buying Options Found
- October 23, 2010
-- JC
Bought this with my friend, he was just starting out. I got Junk Destroyer and he got all the other cards. We were both very happy with this deck.
- October 17, 2010
-- Anonymous
The guy who rated this 1 out of 5 clearly does not know the meaning of the word "Starter".

Starter [stahr-ter] (adj): constituting a basis or beginning

There you go friend. About the product itself, it's not the best Deck in the world, but it's not supposed to be. A great Deck for BEGINNERS.
- August 09, 2010
-- Anonymous
this is a great starter deck
- June 18, 2010
-- Anonymous
its very good
- July 19, 2010
-- Anonymous
One of the worst decks. Only good card in it is Junk Destroyer. Just buy 3 machina meyhem decks and you can simply throw in staples and make Machina Gadgets.
24.95 $24.95
1st Edition Yugioh Structure Starter Deck
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Troll Rankings
#128,711 on Troll and Toad
#43,876 in YuGiOh
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