Top 1000 Best Selling Items in Opus I Collection Singles

Show me the top:
Delita 1 112R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Odin 1 124R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Golem 1 106C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Knight 1 050C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Alma 1 153C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Duke Goltanna 1 134R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Dancer 1 066C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Orran 1 034R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ramza 1 145C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Titan 1 110C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Mustadio 1 118R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Zalbaag 1 136C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Geomancer 1 168C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Monk 1 120C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Mystic 1 096C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Black Mage 1 130C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Sylph 1 074R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Archer 1 088C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Tifa 1 016C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Summoner 1 040C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Dragoon 1 147C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Squire 1 026C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Delita 1 113C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Monk 1 119C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Fairy 1 170C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
White Mage 1 161C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Hades 1 052R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Yuna 1 177R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Rikku 1 089H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Snow 1 043H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Onion Knight 1 067R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Prishe 1 116L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
The Emperor 1 185H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Minwu 1 171H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Squall 1 041L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Yuna 1 176H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Leon 1 060H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ultimecia 1 152L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Josef 1 056H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Leila 1 179H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cloud of Darkness 1 158H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cait Sith 1 131R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Red XIII 1 029C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Chocobo 1 075C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Aerith 1 065C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Yuffie 1 085R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Y shtola 1 084H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Kefka 1 104H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Lightning 1 142R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Sephiroth 1 044R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Gilgamesh 1 129C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Golbez 1 135L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Kain 1 127H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Agrias 1 151R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Bartz 1 080H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Onion Knight 1 181H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Zidane 1 071L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cloud 1 182L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Sephiroth 1 186L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Tidus 1 164R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Samurai 1 014C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Chocobo 1 076C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ramza 1 144R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Kimahri 1 103C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ricard 1 146H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Dragoon 1 148C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Vaan 1 154R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Magus 1 140C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Summoner 1 139C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Sage 1 133C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Gilgamesh 1 128R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ramuh 1 143C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Bahamut 1 018L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Exdeath 1 122H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Odin 1 123R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Black Belt 1 100C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cecil 1 108H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Gabranth 1 098R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Amodar 1 091R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Kimahri 1 102H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Geomancer 1 115C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Tama 1 111C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Serafie 1 109R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Vincent 1 094R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Gippal 1 101R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Archer 1 087C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Yuffie 1 086C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Dark Knight 1 092C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Barret 1 114R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Gadot 1 007R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Kuja 1 037H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Laguna 1 058L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Devout 1 077C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Duke Larg 1 057R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cloud 1 009C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Shiva 1 038R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Jecht 1 015L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Aerith 1 064R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Firion 1 021H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Vaan 1 063H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cid Highwind 1 072R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Nora 1 079R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Alexander 1 061R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Seymour 1 137R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Hecatoncheir 1 117R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ifrit 1 004C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Terra 1 047R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Auron 1 001H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ovelia 1 156C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Wakka 1 180R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Garland 1 006H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Bartz 1 081R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Yaag Rosch 1 174R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Sazh 1 013H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Hope 1 082R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Rikku 1 090R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Terra 1 046H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Chocobo Chick 1 019C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Evoker 1 105C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Evoker 1 068C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cid Highwind 1 073C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Thief 1 069C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Vanille 1 093H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Dark Knight 1 054C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ninja 1 078C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Nooj 1 051R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Summoner 1 053C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Thief 1 070C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Dark Knight 1 055C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Laguna 1 059R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Black Belt 1 099C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Guy 1 097H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Valefor 1 062L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cecil 1 162R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Evoker 1 011C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Shiva 1 039C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Argath 1 033C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Squall 1 042R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Devout 1 048C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Dajh 1 017R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Black Mage 1 010C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Bard 1 036C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Chemist 1 031C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Chemist 1 032C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Bard 1 035C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Reynn 1 028R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Zack 1 012R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Warrior of Light 1 005R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Auron 1 002R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Firion 1 022R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Magus 1 024C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Squire 1 025C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Serah 1 045R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Time Mage 1 049C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Red Mage 1 003C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Brynhildr 1 023R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Lann 1 027H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Ranger 1 008C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Warrior of Light 1 155R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Maria 1 083H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Leviathan 1 178R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Fang 1 020R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cait Sith 1 132C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Shantotto 1 107L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Lebreau 1 030R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Tidus 1 163L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Red Mage 1 121C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Lulu 1 149H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Enna Kros 1 095R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Orlandeau 1 126H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Mime 1 173C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Scholar 1 157C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Onion Knight 1 125R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Geomancer 1 169C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Cosmos 1 183H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Summoner 1 138C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Lulu 1 150R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Yuj 1 175R Rare
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Moogle 1 172C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Gordon 1 160H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Viking 1 167C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Lightning 1 141L Legend
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Knight 1 166C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Onion Knight 1 181H Alternate Art Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Chaos 1 184H Hero
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Evoker 1 159C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
Knight 1 165C Common
Sales Rank:
Currently out of stock.
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